Chapter 6

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Ya'll ik i make the stories short don't get angry- you'll just get a lot more chapters

What's taking him soooo long? Sanemi was waiting outside Giyu's door the next day, waiting for him to come out. "I'm coming! Please give me a minute!" Sanemi scoffed, annoyed that time was being wasted, "I've given you 7 dumbo." After what felt like an hour of waiting (1 minute and 32 seconds precise lol) Giyu finally stepped out of his estate wearing the nicest light blue yukata, and it suited him so well that Sanemi couldn't help but stare. He looked adorable! However he wasn't the only one staring.

sanemi simps, here ya go

Giyu stood there mesmorized of how handsome Sanemi looked right then, a muscular body- a very formal gray yukata, and his hair was pretty neat for once, if you consider it being a tiny bit better than usual. Giyu blushed a bit, and could see Sanemi blushing as well. To ruin the awkward sensation, Sanemi decided to just leave for the resteraunt immediately, and decide what to do next there. They had been granted special permission to take the day off for this 'date'.

    "Do you want um, shimmered salmon with daikon?" Sanemi had heard it was one of- no it was Tomioka's favorite food, and rumors say it makes him smile. Thinking about hit, Sanemi set a new goal of making the emotionless water hashira, the loner, Giyu Tomioka, smile. Tomioka's eyes widened slightly, but enough for anybody to notice, "yes-!" Guess someone couldn't hold their excitement, Sanemi chuckled and ordered a shimmered salmon with daikon as well as a LOT of ohagi. 

"Do you like it?" Sanemi looked up at him, "do you like the ohagi?" Sanemi composed this question in his mind, "Yes, yes I do. Why do you ask?" Giyu smiled. HE LITTERALY SMILED! "I made it <3" Sanemi looked shocked, "what do you mean? I ordered this-" This time Giyu let out a small laugh, "No- I knew you'd order I made some at home, and asked the waiter to give this to you instead so it would also reduce the cost." Sanemi again processed this information, "I- well, thank you. I suppose..." So the emo did have a soft side....huh. "so what do you wanna do after this?" Tomioka stared up at the ceiling tinking about places to go, there's a local park we could go to?" Sanemi simply nodded, as his mouth was stuffed with ohagi- but it's not like he was the only messy eater, Tomioka's cheeks were covered with food. They both shared a glance and laughed, not a forced one, but a genuine, funny, laugh.

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