Wedding day

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Tetsuo POV

It was the biggest day of my life, my wedding day to Kaneda, and I was panicking. Anxiety filled my body head to toe, as I stood looking in the mirror. I took a deep breath. I looked nice, but would Kaneda think I was over dressed? Would he think I looked good?
Of course I knew he would but it was scary just being alone with my own thoughts.
I pressed some of the wrinkles off my vest and started to go look for some cologne. After finding it I heard the door opened. I poked my head around the corner to see Kai.
"Hey! You look great"
I awkwardly chuckled a little "thanks"
"Don't worry Kaneda does too" he laughed at his own joke.
I try to smile, but I know it came across as fake and awkward.
"Hey, it's going to be ok, alright?"
I took another deep breath and sighed, "I know"
"Well I guess I'll see you in ten minutes!" He says with a huge smile.
I smiled big too, and waved, "yea you too!"
As soon as he left I felt all my anxiety double. My stomach dropped and I felt like I was going to cry. But I couldn't, and I didn't want to, so I wasn't going to. I took another deep breath, putting the cologne on.


There was a knock at the door.
"Come in"
"Hey Yama"
"You look nice"
"Mhm~ anyways it's time"
It felt like my heart was going to burst, I was excited but so nervous. "O-oh ok"
"Kaneda's already out waiting for you to walk.."
"I- uhh ok ok I'm coming"
We both start leaving the room and heading outside to the out door flat, the benches surrounded by dead trees, somehow still beautiful, I thought it was cute we decided to have our marriage outside. There weren't very many people there. Maybe like 25. I looked around at all of the white red and teal flowers on every white bench. The rug with teal flower petals thrown across it. The white, red and teal curtains and flowers hanging from the trees, falling down to my face.
I started towards the isle, Yama leaving me. I looked up to Kaneda, he was the most beautiful person I've ever seen. He made all of my anxiety go away just by looking at him.
I walked towards him, my hands behind my back, the biggest genuine smile on my face. He looked at me the same.
I reached him and he gave me a small bow, with a huge smirk on his face, I returned the gester with a smile and slight chuckle. He reached for my hand, which I gladly and proudly accepted the offer.
We stood facing each other, both of our hands placed together. I gazed deep into his eyes as he did mine. I felt like I couldn't resist the urge to kiss him, but I knew I had to, I only had to wait a little longer.
"Do you, Shotaro Kaneda, take, Tetsuo Shima, to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death?" The man behind us asks, looking at him.
"I do" He smiled at me, squeezing my hand just a little.
"And do you, Tetsuo Shima, take, Shotaro Kaneda, to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death?" He was looking at me now.
I smiled and answered without any speck of doubt in my heart, "I do".
Kaneda pulled me in and kissed me hard, but gentle. I kissed back. The kiss had a lot of passion.
"Then you are officially wed" Every one was clapping for us.
He pulls back. We gazed into each other's eyes. I felt nothing but love inside of me as he held my body in front of everyone.
Kai walked up and winked at me, he was carrying a small pillow with rings on it. I smiled as I see the one I bought for him. We went looking together, but I decided to get him a custom made one with a little diamond pill and our names on it. I placed it on his finger he smiled at it.
He then slid a beautiful diamond 2 layer ring onto my finger. I stared at it, it was beautiful. I looked up at him and kissed him.
"I love you"
"I love you too!"

Everyone clapped and Kai cried. We both walked around the ceremony holding hands, answering questions people had.
We cut the cake. It was a two tear cake it was strawberry and chocolate. Strawberry was my favorite and chocolate was his favorite. There was white frosting that covered the whole cake, the teal and red flowers sticking out of it and at the top there was out bikes sitting up there together. He put some of the frosting in my nose and laughed. I turned bright pink and tried to do the same to him.
We took pictures together and in large crowds of people.
Kaneda's favorite song came on, so he grabbed me by the waist and spun me in circles, dancing around with me. He was laughing, he was happy, and I was too. Seeing him this happy I couldn't not be.
"I love you, you Idiot" I say. Rubbing my nose against his as he leaned us down towards by the ground.
"I love you too," he kissed me before pulling me back up. I really did love him. I was so happy he was going to be in my life forever.

After the party started to die down to mainly only drinking, people started to leave and it was only the original 6.
"Congrats you guys" Kei said Cooley, taking another sip of my fancy champagne. I didn't hate her anymore but I was still kinda salty about her and Kaneda's past relationship.
Kaneda put his arm around my shoulder and smiled big. "Thanks!"
"Thank you"
"You guys are super hot together" Yama laughed, Kai rolled his eyes.
Kaori smiled sadly at me, everyone one else was just talking. The moment was with just us. I returned the look with a glimmer of happiness I couldn't help but hold in my eyes. She shook her head. I gave her a half smile. She tightened her purse with both hands.
"Well then.. I guess I'll be going now."
"K byee! See you later" Kaneda said half drunk, also still obviously upset about me and Kaori's past.
Everyone was yelling bye in their own way.

Kaneda held me bridal style and ran around the empty church yard, running in between the seats. Both of us laughing. He pushed me onto a booth and kissed me anywhere he could that had skin showing. I kicked my feet at him playfully, he dodged them. I unbuttoned his too button so I couldn't tickle him with my nose. He giggled and fell onto the floor. I rolled down beside him, my elbows were my support. I was holding my head with my hands, staring at him.
"I love you"
"No I love you" He pulled over and grabbed me pulling me on top of him. He smelt like alcohol, but he wasn't to drunk. He was still in tact with his own mind. "I love you so much"
"I love you too so much"
"More than anything else in the world"
"Your bike" I teased him
"Wow I guess you do huh?"
"You know it baby"
I felt safe and comfortable in his arms. I wanted to be with him forever. I was going to get to..

1331 words

Omg I loved this suggestion it's litterly so cute and like I just have so many like head cannons about different weddings but like I went with an outside one and idk-

Thank you please_unalive_me for this wonderful suggestion
And your comment it really made me so happy!!

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