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Kaneda POV

I walked over to Tetsuo, who was sweating like crazy. 
"Hey, are you ok?" 
"huh.. oh yea, just kinda tired.." 
I moved the back of my hand to his forehead. Hot. 
"Dude, you're burning up"
He pushed my hand away. 
"Shut up, just leave me alone all right" 
He coughed. 
"No come on" 
I gripped his hand. It was hot and sweaty as well.
I quickly walked him through the school halls and down to my bike. He tried to release our hands, but I gripped it tighter as we stopped. 
"I'm taking you to my house.. er at least to your house"
"Kaneda! No I'm fine"
"Your burning the fuck up!" 
"I don't fucking care damn it, I'm fine!" 
"Just let me take you home!"
I looked down at our hands, still conjoined. My face blushed a bright pink and I pulled my hand back behind my head, scratching behind my ear with an awkward inaudible laugh. Tetsuo stuffed his hands into his pockets, also turning a red pink. 
"Fine.. I didn't wanna go to school anyway" 
Suddenly Tetsuo's eyes went to the back of his head, and he headed to the ground, losing contentiousness. I bent down and caught him before he hit the ground. 
He was breathing heavily, I put my hand on his forehead, it was getting hotter. 
I got up as quickly as I could, and stumbled to my bike, lying Tetsuo upward in my lap, and starting up my bike. 
As I drove, I could fill his limp body moving around with the wind. My eyes welled with tears as I struggled to keep him sitting up. "You're going to be ok" I whisper to him, but more for my sake than his. 
We quickly reached my house. I carried him bridal style to the door. He was so small and hot in my arms. I struggle to open the door to my shit apartment, and Tetsuo moves a little, probably waking up. I walked inside, placing him gently on my couch, having to move empty bottles and cans, and other sorts of trash to the ground. It wasn't very clean there, but it was the best I had. 
"I'll be right back" 
I felt warm hands gripping my bare wrists tightly. 
"Stay with me... please.." Pink was creeping onto Tetsuo's sad looking face. 
"I'll be right back, I'm going to get you some medicine, ok?" 
He slowly let go of his grip and I began to walk to my medicine cabinet. I opened it and looked around the tossed pile of medicines, placing my hand on my chin, looking through the mostly opened medicine, but I didn't even know what was wrong with him. I sighed, pulling out 2 boxes and a thermometer. Tylenol and Benadryl. I held the two boxes in my hands, weighing my options, before deciding that the Benadryl would probably work better. I threw the other box back into the cabinet, and half way attempted to shut the door. 
I walked back over to Tetsuo, who looked half asleep. 
"Hey, this was all I had." I placed the box on the table, and pulled the table closer to the couch so I could sit beside the smaller sick boy. 
I put the thermometer in his mouth, and started pulling out some of the Benadryl and pouring it into the little cap. About the time I was done filling the cap, the thermometer beeped, letting me know it was done. 105.8. I looked at it with slight horror on my face. He definitely looked like this was accurate, no matter how much I hated it. 
I put my hand on his forehead. I looked into his mostly closed eyes. 'God, be ok' I thought to myself, pulling his hair back, the hair stayed due to being wet with sweat. 
I got up and walked to the kitchen, filling a bowl with hot water, and pulling out a clean rag, folding it and dipping it into the water. I walked back into the living room and placed it on his forehead. 
I stared at him, his face so pink with sickness. So dizzy. So.. cute. 

I walked over to the VHS player and put in a movie, then walked back to the couch. I moved his legs and sat beneath them, placing them back on top of me. 
The movie started but I wasn't really paying attention. I looked at Tetsuo, as he moved slightly. I rubbed my finger up and down his leg, moving my finger around in circular motions. I gazed deep into his facial features, as it suddenly changed, from peaceful to sorta troubled or uncomfortable. 
He sat up quickly and a chunky liquid emerged from his mouth and all over him. 
"Ehh Tetsuo what the fuck?!" 
He looked at me with woozy eyes, before finally realizing what he had done. 
"Oh! Sorry!" His voice was almost auto toned, if it wasn't for the slight panic.
"No, no, it's fine" 
He rolled over curling himself into a ball, clenching his stomach, groaning and shaking. I stood up as fast as I could and walked over to his side. 
"Are you-?" 
A tear rolled down his face. 
I bent down to look at him. 
"I.. Uhh.. It.. It hurts.. So.. so so bad.." 
I put my hand on his back rubbing it up and down. 
"Your stomach?" 
"E-Everything.. It just.. It hurts so fucking much." 
"It's ok, do you need to throw up again" 
He shrugged his shoulders, closing his eyes. 
"No, hey, lets go get you washed up before you go back to sleep" 
He clenched his stomach, before sluggishly getting up. He tumbled up, so I grabbed his hand, and led him to the bathroom. I didn't look back at him so he couldn't see my blush. Though his hand was slobbery, it was soft, almost like a girl, but more rough. 
Once we reached the bathroom I let go of his hand. 
"Do you need help, or.. want some.. or can you do it alone" I put my hand behind my head. 
"I- You can stay" 
"Uh oh ok" I could feel my face starting to fluster. 
He sat down beside the toilet. 
"Do you want to try to throw up?" 
He nodded, lifting the lid and laying his head on the seat. 
I sat down beside him, and rubbed his back. 
Pretty soon he began to throw up everything he had inside of him. Tears painfully strolled down his face, and the vomit scraped out of his throat. 
"Shh it's ok" I say, still rubbing his back.
His response was a muffled cry. 
My heart ached to hear his vomit violently escape him. 

After he finally stopped, he laid his head on the lid and sobbed. Drool seeped from his mouth causing more spit up to come up. 
"Can I take a shower" He said, as the sobs stopped. 
He slowly started to strip and I turned on the water, creating a bath. I made sure it wasn't too hot but also not too cold.
When he was done getting undressed, he slowly stepped into the bath. The water turned different colors from the vomit. I pulled the shower head closer to me and began to wash his hair. He pulled his head back so it would be easier for me. As I rinsed his hair, I felt so good. So happy. Like this was how I wanted to live the rest of my life. I had always feared growing old, but maybe growing old, not alone, but with someone else, with him, it wouldn't be so bad. I began to wash his body and my mind began to race, I had never thought like this before. Not for a man. Not for my best friend.
I ran my fingers through his hair, washing the conditioner out. I wondered if he felt the same about me. If he'd want to live with me. Grow old with me. Marry me. Date me. Kiss me?
I turned off the water. He looked at me. His eyes were tired, his pupils were so big as he stared at me. I looked back at him. Our eyes were locked.
I could feel my head lean in towards his and my eyes begin to close.
I only understood these feelings today, but it felt like I'd unlocked something I've had deep inside me for a long time. For my whole life.
Cold lips met with mine. I pressed myself onto them and embraced them. I felt Tetsuo kiss back only for a second, before pushing me off.
"W-What are you doing?!"
"You're going to get sick too"
"I'll date you, but not yet, I don't want you to get sick"
My face lit up, and I was filled with happiness I didn't even know I had.
"I- I don't care"
I leaped back up, and gripped either side of his face, gently kissing him again.

I pulled him out of the bath, and he dried himself off, then we headed back to my room. I looked through all my stuff. I found one of my sweaters and handed it to him. He sniffled, then slipped it on. 
"Do you have any pants"
"Uhh.. Shorts?" 
I tossed him a pair of small shorts, then started cleaning off my bed as he slid them on. I went to get him the Benadryl then I hopped into my bed, opening my arms. Tetsuo gulped the medicine before turning off the light and crawling into my open arms, and rested his head on my chest. He sneezed. 
"Aweee, bless you" 
I chuckled. 
With only a few coughs he fell asleep. I smiled at the sound of his faint snores, then shortly I too fell asleep. 

1625 words

 I was actually going to make this one shot so very coincidental. I'm so sorry it took so long I just never have time anymore but I was trying to get as much as I could have done!! I started to feel rushed about halfway done, so I'm also sorry about that, but I hope you enjoy it! 
Thank you please_Unalive_me for the idea!

Kaneda x Tetsuo ONESHOTS (Akira Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now