Tetsuo Birthday

60 1 4

Kaneda POV

I woke up, 3:16, I yawn, and rub my eyes, sitting up.
I groggy get out of bed and walk over to the fridge to get something to drink. I look down at the calendar, 5 days until Tetsuo's birthday. I smile a little. I know he hates his birthday but I wanted to do something for him, to let him know, under all the jokes and stuff we love him. I love him. I place my drink back in the fridge and walk back to my room.


"A party? Doesn't Tets hate his birthday"
"Yes, but it's something to show we love him"
"I think it's sweet"
"So what are we gunna do?"
"Ok so.."


3rd POV

Tetsuo was walking down the street, hands in pockets. He placed one of his hands on the wall, wiping it across the walls as he walks.
His phone began to vibrate.
"Hey! Whatcha doin?"
"Nothin, you?"
"Same, wanna come over?"
"Uhh yea sure"
"What are w-"
The phone hung up.
He clenches his fists, pulling a bag of capsules out of his pocket taking one.

Once he arrives he knocks on the door, it opens slightly. It's pitch black.
He walks in, and flips on the light.
Kai and Yama blow party poppers.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They all scream. The walls and ceiling were decorated with teal and white. A "happy birthday" banner hung across the ceiling. Little curls of paper and streamers hung from the roof, and balloons stood in bundles of 3 in the corners.
Kaneda walks towards him holding a teal cake with Tetsuo's name on it with a giant 1 and 6 candle.
Kaori held presents, a little stack of 5 or 6.
Tetsuo smiled big, his face lighting up with joy that was unwanted.
Kaneda places the cake down and wraps one arm around the smaller boy.
"Ya like it"
"When did-?"
Kaneda smiles. Tetsuo returns the gesture. Kaneda places a birthday hat on Tetsuo and walks him inside, shutting the door.

They cut the cake and give everyone some. It's strawberry and vanilla. The slices were uneven due to Kaneda cutting it. The cake was small, so it was all gone after every one got a slice. The frosting stains their teeth, which Kai thinks is hilarious, and Kaori finds super humiliating.
"Time for presents!" Kaneda yells.

After a couple minutes of opening the presents there was only one left and it was from Kaneda. Tetsuo opens it, gently but eagerly. It was the little figure he'd had when they were kids. Tetsuo gave it to Kaneda their last year at the children's home, saying he didn't need it anymore.
Kaneda chuckles a little, scratching the back of his head. "Thought you'd want it back" Tetsuo had been looking for it for some time now, forgetting he'd given it away.
Tetsuo smiled and nodded, eyes glued at the beat up little toy, so much smaller in his hand than when he was a kid.
"I uhh, actually have one more present for you" he heard Kaneda say. Tetsuo looks up, but before having time to do anything, warm lips were met with his. He widens his eyes, but slowly then eases into the kiss.
Kai and Yama awe.
Kaneda pulls them apart. Tetsuo smiles at him. Kaneda grins back.

After that they decide to watch a movie. Tetsuo's favorite movie. Tetsuo lays on Kaneda's chest, their hands intertwined. Kaneda was comfortable and warm.

After the movie ends they all were tired. Tetsuo didn't want to go to sleep but it technically wasn't his birthday anymore so he didn't say anything.
Him and Kaneda shared the bed while Kaori slept on the couch and Kai and Yama slept on a pallet on the floor.
"Don't go banging up in that bed"
"Same to you and Kai"

Tetsuo laid his head on Kaneda's arm. Both of them laying to face each other.
"Happy birthday"
"Thank you"
Kaneda leaned in to kiss Tetsuo.
Tetsuo smiled.

681 words

This was kinda a remake of a birthday comic I've done before, so I hope you like it!
It was actually my birthday yesterday so I was surprised to get this request but thank you so much please_unalive_me I think it's really a sweet idea!
I hope you liked it!! Thank you for reading.

Kaneda x Tetsuo ONESHOTS (Akira Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now