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When I awoke on September 11th, it almost felt like there was a mildly different energy in the air. It was, after all, my birthday; my 12th birthday to be more precise.

I made my way down to the Great Hall for breakfast, forgetting to wait for Draco. I immediately felt arms wrap around my legs, and soon the Weasley twins had me hoisted up into the air. They soon began to sing Happy Birthday, out of tune and incredibly loud so that most heads were turned in our direction.

The Slytherin table were all staring too, and I whisper for the boys to put me down. The twins held out a present for me which I take. Inside the box, is a pair of dangly earrings. One of them is inscribed, which says "Mischief," and the other says, "Managed." I grin knowing exactly what these were in relation to, and I give the boys a hug, thanking them for the earrings which I pop in.

Walking over to the Slytherin table I sit down with Draco who doesn't look happy.

"What's got your wand in a knot?" I ask him, although, I have a very good idea.

"Mother and father aren't going to be happy if they know you're still chummy with blood traitors," he seethes.

"Well, they aren't going to find out, are they?" I narrow my eyes at him. "Now, come on, it's our birthday! I have something for you."

We exchanged presents and soon, an owl flies low over the tables and drops a package each, in front of Draco and I. Gifts from mother and father.

Mother had sent me a leather bound sketchbook with emerald twine creating a lustrous pattern within it. Father had sent me a collection of an array of pencils.

"Father has sent you another gift too, but asked me to keep it hidden for now until we go back to our rooms," Draco whispers into my ear.

Before classes were due to start, I quickly rushed up to my dorm and there, I found another diary. The one I currently had was almost full. I pick it up, run my hand over the front cover before opening it to the first page. For the first time, there was something written on the first page, "The Diary of River Song," - it's there for a moment but slowly disappears until it's gone altogether.

Draco promised me he would show me this mysterious present I still had waiting for me once all our classes were finished for the day.

I grab a quill and dip it into some ink, and exactly where I saw it before, and mimicking the handwriting as best I could, I rewrite "The Diary of River Song," and place a question mark after it.

Before our first class, Ron found me and he gave me my present which was a box of Choc Balls he must have gotten at Honeydukes sweet shop, and a basket of homemade cookies from Mrs Weasley.

The day goes by in a veritable haze, and I jump out of my seat and race towards the kitchens (after a particularly tedious lesson), which are close to Hufflepuffs common room. There's a picture of a pear which if you know, you have to tickle in order for it to open.

I find a house elf and ask if they can make me fish fingers and custard, I'm not sure where my appetite for such a thing began, but I can't deny how good it is. I scoff as much as I can before I head back to Slytherins common room, and towards the boys dormitories.

Draco let me in and hands me a present. I already known what it is before opening it: a broomstick. When I unwrap it, I take note of the polished black wood, - it was a Nimbus 2001.

"Father wants you to have the best," he says.


The month moved quickly and before we knew it, it was Halloween. We had Charms, with Professor Flitwick who due to his small stature, was stood atop a pile of books on top of a chair.

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