Marine Adolescence

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flashback about 15 years ago, 3rd person POV:

In a Marine base of G-5, Smoker could be seen in his office looking at a file. "First name Tashigi. You don't have a last name due to being orphaned at a young age. Orphanage you were with was destroyed by pirates, and you're a troublemaker. Sounds like you'll fit in nicely." He looked over the paper to see Tashigi as a child with a notable amount of bandages on her face and a large scowl. "Just so you know, this little rebellious phase you have won't make me go easy on you in training. I have a kid a few years younger than you training here that's just as much of a troublemaker as you. Not only that, but this entire base is filled with Marines that don't fit the common mold of the image. You're not anything special here."

"Like I care about that. Also, stop with the smoke. You smell like an ash trey." Tashigi states this with a little arrogance for Smoker to only scowl.

"Head down to the mess hall and see what you can do to help make lunch. After lunch, you'll start cleaning. If you have enough spine to badmouth your superior, you have enough spine to handle a little manual labor."

Present time, Kyoka POV:

"Alright, kid. Time to get back into training." Once we were done with the meeting, Endeavor asked for all of us to stay in his agency's living quarters as a precautionary move. Right now, most of us are watching Izuku train with Smoker. Earlier, he was training with Tashigi to show us he has no mercy for anyone even if you're a woman to push her until she couldn't stand.

"Smoker really knows how to push his training on you, doesn't he."

"It's just a matter of how hard you work, Kendo." All of the girls in our little group were watching as Izuku and Smoker were going blow for blow with one another in just base skill before soon ramping it up in using fire and smoke. "Izuku's always been a hardheaded idiot growing up, so it's understandable that he's not one to back down and take the training as is."

"Oh yeah, you said something about growing up with Izuku basically a while back." Baby 5 asked for Tashigi to smile. "What were you two like growing up?"

"We wanted to kill each other on a regular basis."

'Wow...not so subtle.'

"That seems a little heavy for you. Also not that all subtle." Ochako commented exactly what most of us were thinking for Tashigi to go into her pocket and pull out a picture. When she gave it to us, it showed her, Smoker, Izuku and G-5 in a picture from what it looked like, over 10 years ago.

"Why are you both in bandages and looking like you're angry?"

"To make it simple, Yaoyorozu. Izuku and I...well, we didn't get along well when we first met. If we're being completely honest, I was regularly coming at him with a practice sword and him punching me in the face. It got to the point where most of the G-5 Marines would just let it play out not wanting to bother themselves since it won't make a difference."

"Hard to see you of all people act out since you're very straight laced."

"I wasn't always so strong with rules, Jirou. To be honest, I grew up in an orphanage until pirates attacked it when I was about 6. For two years, I was sent from Marine base to base due to my...unruly behavior." Everyone stared at her before she responded. "When you grow up without a family in somewhere like an orphanage and then go into the Marines, you learn to be tough."

This now had me thinking with everyone else for Ochako to ask. "So what was it like when you first met Izuku?"

"That was a fun day. You see, it was probably the second day."

Flashback about 15 years ago, Tashigi POV:

"Hey kid! These potatoes aren't completely peeled! You gotta get the small bits off!"

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