Cows, cows and more cows

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"sure whats up?" Scott follows Grian and they head outside, a bit far from where Scar is for obvious reasons but its still close enough to where he can see them both.

"so, scott.. what exactly did you tell Scar" Grian looks him in the eyes and Scott knows hes not joking about anything at that moment.

Grians POV

"Grian, im guessing you don't want him to know about your little secret? Dont worry, your safe with me.. But i did ask where you were because i need some cows" Scott kinda looks over at scar when he said the last bit. "And Scar is the perfect person to get cows"

"Well, thanks Scott also why do you need cows?" I ask Scott who is just excited to tell someone

"Im making a cake, but not just any cake.. a 'magical cake' because Scars birthday is like in 3 days, honestly i thought you knew this"

Scott looks at me and I can instantly tell, that I look pale as a ghost. "Scott, can you help me get him a gif-" "no. Grian you have to do this on your own, just tell him how you feel, and if it goes wrong then you can always stay in Chromia. annd, Jimmy needs my help with something, great.. well, bye Grian! Good luck"

I watch Scott bolt over to the very colourful and great tent and I realize why all the hermits (including Scott and Jimmy) are here, and its because of Scar! He brought everyone to celebrate his birthday and im the only one who didnt know! "Another reason why I love scar.." i mumble to myself

Scars POV

I see Grian and Scott talking, if only I could hear.. I hate it when people just talk and then make sure I dont know whats going on, especially when Grian is involved.  I walk over to where he is a few minutes after Scott leaves. "another reason why i love scar.." I hear Grian say right as I approach him.

"h-hey Grian, its uh now time food- i mean its time to eat! Ren made some really good food with Etho" Why did I mess up with words?! oh my jellie! my thoughts are even messed up!"

"Ah! oh, wait Scar did you uh hear what i said..?" Grians stutter is kinda cute- Jelliiee why am I like this right now??! "Oh dear, you did- uhm well uh im just gonna go get food-" right as i snap back to reality I see Grian poof off into the distance but 1 feather floated down right on my head

Word Count Not Including This: 439!
Next chapter probably later today or so, idk

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