Chapter 1

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A/N: Welcome back my loves! Thank you for taking the time to read Scarlet Stark The Universe Is At Stake! THIS IS THE SECOND BOOK!!! If you have not read the first one, it is called 'Scarlet Stark They Did This To Me' Definitely go check it out!


Thank you for reading, and enjoy Scarlet Stark The Universe Is At Stake!!! ❤️❤️❤️


"You have to be joking," My eyes widened.

"No honey, I'm not joking," Tony said through the phone. "Get down here,"

"On my way," I hung up the phone and sprinted to the armory, a million thoughts were running through my head. I grabbed my suit, which was a blue detailed Kevlar top and pants, with a small cape coming from the waist and down to my ankles. The suit also had blue finger less gloves that went up to the middle of my bicep on each arm. I put on the suit along with my black boots and ran up to the roof.

I examined the streets of New York City, which had people running left and right. A few miles away, the giant flying donut was still a few hundred feet off the ground, so I decided it was time. I jumped off the roof and summoned the mist, allowing it to curl around my body. It made me float, and I started to fly towards the donut. I was still about one hundred feet off the ground and scanned the crowd for my dad. I saw him without his suit on, helping a frantic young lady off of the sidewalk. Behind him was Bruce, his clothes ragged. Two odd-looking men trailed behind. One was tall with black hair and grey lines down the sides of his head. He was dressed in a blue suit and a red cape and was somewhat favoring a large necklace. The other man was short with a buzz cut and was wearing crimson robes.

I flew down and Tony looked at me. "What took you so long?"

"Good to see you too," I said as I joined him at his side. "Have you seen the donut?"

"Yes," He nodded and started to walk again. "We are in trouble,"

"Hence," I gestured to the street ahead. "The donut,"

Tony just rolled his eyes and started to walk into the street, so I followed. The two odd-looking guys also followed us.

I looked at Tony. "Who are the guys following us?"

"They are wizards," Tony pursed his lips. "One of them has a special necklace that Thanos wants,"

"Ah," I nodded, showing my understanding. We continued to walk down the road until a big beam descended from the donut, only a few hundred feet away. At the base of the beam, two odd-looking creatures appeared. One was small and skinny, with a wrinkly face and a big nose. The creature next to him was large and I couldn't make out most of his features, except all I knew was he had a very large axe.

The beam disappeared and the skinny creature started to talk. "Hear me and rejoice! You are about to die at the hands of the children of Thanos. Be thankful that your meaningless lives are now be contributed to balance-"

"I'm sorry, Earth is closed today," Tony interrupted. "You better pack it up and get out of here,"

"Stonekeeper," The scrawny creature looked at the tall wizard. "Does this chattering animal speak for you,"

"Certainly not I speak for myself," The tall wizard tapped his wrists together and then placed his arms in a way that he looked like he was shooting a bow and arrow. Yellow circles sprouted from his hands and he stared at the wizard. "You are trespassing in this city and on this planet,"

"He means get lost Squidward!" Tony added.

The scrawny man sighed and looked at the other creature. "He is exhausting me, bring me the stone,"

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