Chapter 2

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I finally found my way to voices, in which I recognized as the skinny creature's voice. He sounded like he was talking to someone, but the person wasn't responding.

I looked down off of a ledge and saw Tony admiring a piece of red cloth. It looked very similar to the one Doctor Strange was wearing multiple minutes prior. I looked up only to see Peter crouching on the ledge, looking down at Tony as well.

He looked up and was shocked to see me crouching as well. He did a small wave, and we started a silent conversation.

Hi! He mouthed and smiled.

Hello. I mouthed back. I noticed he was wearing the Iron Spider suit that I had helped design. I like your suit.

Thanks. He mouthed. What are you doing here?

Chillin' on a flying donut. I responded. What about you?

I was trying to save the wizard and I got beamed up. He mouthed sadly.

So... I pursed my lips. Who is going down there first?

He pointed at me, and I shook my head. I pointed at him, and he shook his head.

You go. I insisted.

No. He shook his head again. I can't. He will get so mad at me.

I can't, I'm his daughter. I held up my hands for effect.

We continued to bicker silently until he agreed to go. He shot a web and went upside down. He started to slide down until he could jump down.

"Wow, you are a real loyal piece of tapestry," I heard my dad say to the flying cape.

"Yeah, speaking of loyalty," Peter landed on the ground and Tony looked horrified. Peter held his hands up. "I know what you're gonna say,"

"You should not be here," Tony scolded him.

"I was gonna go home,"

"I don't wanna hear it,"

"But it was such a long way down, and I just thought about shooting a web,"

"And now I gotta hear it,"

"And I stuck to the side of the ship," Peter continued. "And this suit is ridiculously intuitive by the way, so if anything it's your fault that I'm here,"

Tony's head snapped towards Peter again, and I did a facepalm.

"What did you just say?" Tony pointed at Peter.

"I-I take that back," Peter rambled. "A-and now I'm here in space,"

"Yeah, right where I didn't want you to be," Tony stepped closer to Peter. "Don't say you thought this through,"

"I did think this through," Peter nodded. "I did! You can't be a friendly neighborhood Spiderman if there is no neighborhood,"

Tony furrowed his brows and Peter sighed. "Okay that didn't really make sense but you know what I am trying to say,"

Tony sighed and rubbed his eyes. Peter thought this was a great time to bring me into the situation.

"Anyway, um..." Peter rubbed his hands together. "Scarlet is here too,"

That caught Tony's attention. "What?"

I jumped down and landed next to Peter. "Hey, dad,"

Tony looked horrified. "How did you-"

"I went through a server room and a bunch of hallways and," I took a breath. "And then Peter and I had a silent conversation and I forced him to come to talk to you and now I am rambling and sort of freaking out because now I am in space and I have never been in space before-"

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