Chapter 3

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Draco Malfoy wanted to go home.

He had followed his father into what felt like hundreds of stores, coming out with bags of varying colour. All of which he had to carry.

His entire body felt weighed down, but not by the spoils of their shopping. It was as if his physical form could tell that he didn't want to be there, and was trying to melt through the paved street. Through the dirt and stone, until what was left of him combined with the Earth's liquid insides. Finally at peace, as warm goop.

Yeah, the heat was definitely taking a toll on his thoughts.

Still, Draco followed his father into another store. Wishing to every god he knew the name of, that this would be the very last one.

Flourish and Blotts was his favourite shop on the whole street. Even in his drained state, he felt slight excitement.

While his father talked to a tired-looking man with very thick gloves, he enthusiastically looked through the many bookshelves. A certain cover caught his eye. It was in the muggle-written section, with two men on the cover.

Two men in an embrace.

Making sure his father was busy, he picked it up. Consumed by curiosity, he read the summary quickly. It was a love story, a beautiful sounding one too. He was intrigued, eager to read it.

But he knew he couldn't, and put it back. There was no chance that his father would let him read something like this. He had known this from looking at the cover, hell, even from what section it was in. But disappointment still filled his insides like filthy dishwater.

He turned to his father once more, ready to follow him out of the store.

His father however, was still busy. The man with the thick gloves, presumably the store manager, was fighting some fluffy, book-like creatures with a large walking stick. They flapped around in the large cage, avoiding his attempts. Lucius watched, irritation slowly oozing onto his features. This only made the man's work harder, as he grew clumsier and clumsier in his attempted haste. It would probably take a long time. Hopefully long enough.

Today, he would be disobedient on purpose, internally praying that it wouldn't be a death wish in the literal sense. I mean it was just a book, not even his father would kill over a book, right?

He picked up the book again, and walked to the counter. He spoke quietly, trying not to draw attention to himself. The cashier smiled at him, with understanding eyes. He put a few sickles in the tip jar, feeling that they needed it more than he did.

Sometimes Draco was glad he never got actual gifts for his birthday, even though money had no thought behind it. Especially not from Lucius, who basically drowned in unnecessary wealth. It felt the same as his dry birthday wishes, a second-thought. The good thing about money was that he could buy his own gifts. Buy his own sort of freedom.

After he made his purchase, he slipped the book into one of the bags. A red one. He had to remember that it was the red one. The poor manager finally got ahold of one of the sentient books, and stopped its snapping by tying it shut. Relief clearly shown upon his face, he offered it to Lucius, who snatched it out of his hands menacingly.

"It seems the incompetent people working here finally managed to do their jobs, let's go Draco." He turned towards the door, handing the book to his son.

"B-but Mr. Malfoy you haven't paid for that! These Monster Books of Monsters were very pricey to put in stock!"
The man exclaimed, clearly flustered.

"You have wasted immense amounts of my time here, which is worth more than all the books in this store combined. I assume you don't want me to tell the Department of Magical Education that Hogwarts' main provider for schoolbooks is managed this poorly?"

The manager faltered under an icy gaze Draco knew all too well, and spoke no more. Lucius started walking again, gesturing at his son to follow. As Draco passed the manager, he slipped him a few galleons and a quiet apology, ashamed of his father's actions.

Then he followed the long, white-blond hair in front of him out the door. Hoping that his many acts of insubordination within the bookstore had gone unnoticed.

Flourish and Blotts had indeed been the last store, and he felt relieved. The travel back to the manor was the same as it had been to Diagon alley. Uncomfortable, but swift. His father immediately retired to his study, and Draco to his room.

The cold of his home dug into his bone marrow once more, making him miss the unbearable heat of the outside world. He became annoyed with himself, why was he never pleased?

His skeleton felt like lead as he trudged up the too-big staircase, the many bags not helping one bit. He would pack his trunk, and then go right to sleep, he decided.

Finally reaching his bedroom, he let the bags fall out of his hands. Being surrounded by his room's emerald green walls made him feel at ease, the day's remaining sunlight through his window making it feel like a glade in a forest.

He let himself lay in his bed for a moment. It was in the same neat condition as it had been the morning before, since he hadn't slept in it that night. He felt like a plant, absorbing energy from the sunlight. In reality, he was more like a cat, stealing some of it's warmth.

The moment passed, and he got up. Feeling slightly less like his flesh was decaying. With his newfound energy, he started to pack his trunk.

Slowly working his way through the pile of bags, he found himself holding the red one.

The one with the evidence of his disobedience.

He took out his many new schoolbooks one by one, stacking them neatly in his luggage. Lastly, he took out that book, merely looking at it.

He stared at the object held in his own, bony hands, regretting his decision. It was so clearly forbidden, his father only needed a glance at the cover to know. He should return the thing, throw it out, destroy it. Anything to be rid of it.

But he knew that wasn't what he truly wanted, and for once, he would do as he pleased. He rummaged among his bookshelf, stopping at the sight of his old potions book

If he was going to be disobedient, he was going to do so properly.

He tore the cover off, meticulously. With the help of some magic, it basically came clean off. He struggled slightly more with the other book, since it wasn't a hardcover edition.

He uttered a sticking charm, making the book appear like his potions book from second year. Perfectly disguised.

He ripped up the old cover, and that was the end of it.

A strange feeling of calm settled in his stomach, anxiety fraying the edges. He felt satisfied, finally pushing against the bars of his cage. But couldn't push away the feeling that something very bad was going to happen, as a result of his own stupid actions.

He stood there, holding the book in front of himself once more. Frozen in indecision.

After thinking over all his options for the hundredth time, he put the book in his trunk. If his father saw through him, he would deal with it then.

He spent the rest of the day like he always did. Eating dinner with his parents, getting ready for bed, and drifting off to sleep.

And that's what he continued to do, for the rest of the summer.

Sorry once again for the very slow update, I've basically been asleep for the larger part of this month lol.
Still no beta
I'm not super happy with the plot of this chapter, but it will have to do for now.
There will be more from Harry's POV in the next chapter, sorry for writing so much from Draco's •-•'
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