Chapter 9

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(A/N Okay I did say I wouldn't list trigger warnings for the sake of spoilers, but I need you to know that this will be a rough one.
Much love, take care of yourself



The Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom was empty when Draco and his friends arrived. He scoffed, and made some snide remark about punctuality to Pansy.

After almost every seat in the classroom was filled, and a buzz of conversation lay thick over the room, Professor Lupin arrived.

"Good afternoon class," he said, looking sweaty, and even more roughed up than usual. "Apologies for my slight tardiness, I had to arrange some things."

"You will not be needing your books, as this will be a practical lesson." Draco did not like the sound of this. By the looks of it, neither did the rest of the class. After all, the little experience they had of practical DADA was the disaster named Lockhart.

The sound of books snapping shut filled the classroom, like an uneven drum solo.

Lupin stepped back out into the corridor, causing many heads to turn. A moment or so later, he had his arms around an old and quite dusty wardrobe. Slowly dragging it through the classroom door. Of course, Saint Potter and some other Gryffindors immediately stood up to assist him.

"Thank you very much," Lupin said, falling into the chair behind the teacher's podium. He looked exhausted, slumped over like he had no spine to support his body. "I had originally planned on taking you to the teacher's lounge, where this creature was from the start. Professor Snape however, had a few complaints. "

"Now, can anyone tell what the creature inside this wardrobe is?" It was then Draco noticed the violent shudders that seemed to be sent through the dark, polished wood. Whatever was inside of it, clearly wanted to get out. He suddenly felt very glad for his injury.

Draco could basically feel Granger's arm shoot up somewhere behind him. It was a routine in every class he had with the gryffindors. Granger shows everyone how smart she is, and the professors just lap it up.

"It's a boggart, a shape-shifting creature," she said. "It changes shape to become that which you most fear."

"Couldn't have said it any better," Lupin replied, all smiles. "So, while it will be terrifying and possibly dangerous, we still have a clear advantage over the boggart. Why is that, Harry?"

"Uh, because there are so many of us, it can't decide what to transform into?"

"Precisely!" Great, first Granger, now Potter as well. The red and gold morons just loved showing off.

Lupin turned to face the blackboard, and moved snow-white chalk across it smoothly. "The spell to repel a boggart is very simple. However, the thing that really rids you of one is laughter. Therefore, you force it to assume a shape you find amusing."

Across the board in large white letters stood "Riddikulus". Underneath it, in smaller, encouraging letters stood "Just think of something funny!". Draco scoffed. Lupin even drew a star next to it. What were they, six?

"Now let's practice without wands first. Riddikulus!" The whole room filled with a chorus of "riddikulus". Draco felt that he was already tired of this class. His eyes seemed to roll by themselves. "Good good! Now, Neville. How about you try defeating the boggart?"

The short gryffindor looked so terrified that you'd think the boggart was already in front of him. Draco couldn't help but laugh, which resulted in an ice cold glare from Potter.

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