Part 2

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[M/N]'s POV:

"[M/N] I want you to join Stray Kids." The room went silent as I try to understand what JYP had just told to me.

"Sorry what?" I said confused breaking the silence after awhile.

"[M/N] I would like you to join our group!" Bang Chan said with a huge smile.

"Uhh, are you okay with me joining? Don't get me wrong I'd love to join but what about your fans, how would-"

"[M/N] it's fine, we already announced that we will be getting a new member, besides I was the one who suggested it" Bang Chan interrupted.

"So [M/N] would you like to join Stray Kids?" JYP asked one final time. I took a minute to think before I answered. I've worked hard right up untill this very moment.


~Time skip~

I arrived home and as soon as I stepped through the door Mary came running to me to tell me the news about Stray Kids. She looked very excited and that's how I knew what she was going to tell me.

"[M/N] did you know Stray Kids are getting a new member!! I wonder what he will look like? I hope he's good looking, more importantly I hope he's amazing at dancing." sigh

"Mary can you get mum and dad for me? please?" I said stopping Mary from talking while we walk to the lounge.

"Why?" she said as she looked at me confused.

"I have something important to tell them and you. So could you please get them for me?" I said in hopes she'll actually do what I ask for once.
"Umm okay?" she said as she walked away. A few minutes had passed when she came back with our parents.

"So [M/N] what do you want to tell us?" Mum asked.

"Please sit down first this may be long" I told them. Once they did I started explaining everything that JYP and Bang Chan told me earlier that day.

"So on wednesday next week I will be moving into their dorm, but until then I will still have to train since they haven't revealed the member as me." Once I finished explaining Mary had her mouth open while my parents were shocked yet proud.

"Well at least you're okay at dancing" Mary said. I glared her.

"Are you okay with this?" Dad said looking at me with a worried expression.

"Yes I'm fine with it, if I wasn't then why would I agree?" I replied back with a small chuckle along with Mary.

"Oh alright then. Well should we go to bed since you have an early start tomorrow?" Dad said causing me to realise how tired I was, so with that we all headed to bed.

~Time Skip~

It's now tuesday night and I'm lying on my bed. Most of my things have been packed away in boxes and had been moved to the dorm room. Not going to lie, I'm very anxious, what if the other members aren't going to like me? Will I be okay without Mary with me for practically 24/7.

"Hey [M/N] you'll be fine. you're overthinking everything." Mary said. She knew what I was thinking she's my twin after all.

"I know, but still I can't help it.. Anyway why are you here?"

"Oh I thought I'd asked about your knee and shoulder? Are they troubling you?" I sat up looking at Mary

"No they're fine" I said giving her a reassuring smile.

"Okay then but if they start to hurt call or text me I'll come straight to the dorm." She said with a smile.

"Okay I will" I replied. I'm thankful that she cares so much about me.

"That being said, Will you tell the members about you being trans and about your injuries?" She questioned in a serious tone,

"I will tell them I'm trans eventually but not the injuries." It's not like I don't want to tell them it's just that I can't tell them or they might tell the company and I could get kicked out for good.

"What!?, why not?" Mary said with annoyance.

"Because they don't need to know!" I said becoming a bit defensive.

"Ya [M/N] you can't hide them forever."

"Yes I can, I've hid my shoulder injury for 4 years and my knee for 2 years, and besides it isn't any of their business to know" I said with a huff.

"[M/N] you're hopeless you know that right?" she said with disappointment.

"Yeah I know, but that's what makes you love me right?" I said moving my eyebrows up a down. Mary let out a chuckle before flopping onto my bed.

"I'm so going to miss you"

"Me too, but hey you can and visit anytime right?" I said trying to reassure her.

"Yeah..." she said with a small smile.

"Hey [M/N].. I umm got you this" Mary then pulled out a box and handed it to me after she sat up. Once the box was in my hand I opened it up. Inside was a necklace, It wasn't a random necklace it was a custom one. The chain was silver, It had a silver pendant shaped like a racoon with her initials engraved on it, I looked at her and that's when I realised she was also wearing a necklace, it was the same colour at mine but the pendant was a tiger with my initials ingraved. I looked at Marys face just to see her with a huge smile.

"Mary how, when, why?" I said with tears forming in my eyes.

"I wanted to get something that reminded us of each other and something that would be with us forever" she said as she hugged a now crying me. Why am I such a cry baby.

"Thank you, I will wear it all the time" I said after I calmed down Mary stopped hugging me and stood up to back to her room to sleep since it was now 11pm.

"Goodnight [M/N]"

"Goodnight Mary" and with that I got ready for bed, I slowly drifted off to sleep not before feeling someone crawl in bed with me. My body then drifted off to sleep.


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