Part 2

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I forgot to mention that Mary isn't fluent in korean so half of the time when she's talking to [M/N] she's talking in english while [M/N] response in korean xD anyway enjoy :D English will look like this: Hello [M/N]

It's been a week since [M/N] joint the group. So far everything has been going well. There's just one thing left do and that's to announce him as the 9th member.

–Three week's ago Stray Kids announced they were getting a new member. Today they announced [M/N] as the 9th member. Want to know more? Then read this article.–

[M/N] was reading comments left by fans, Some were very supportive and welcoming, Some didn't really care as long as he worked hard and was happy while others weren't happy with him joining. They were telling him, he should leave, he's ruining Stray Kids, he has no talent ect.

"I have no talent? I bet half of them ain't as good as me and is only saying that so they can feel great about themselves!" [M/N] says to Mary over the phone.

"[M/N] you shouldn't say that but I completely agree with you. All they do is talk shit" Mary said.

"Yah I don't care if I can't say that, I'm just telling the truth!" [M/N] defended.

"You really are something else. anyway! how are you holding up?"

"I'm holding up fine, Why?" [M/N] questioned.

"Mum is asking, she's been reading all of the comments so" Mary said with a bit of annoyance mixed with disappointment.

"Oh, Tell her I'm fine and she doesn't need to worry about me."

"alright I will, ah one last thing before I go, How are the members? Are they treating you well?" Mary asked with curiosity.

"The members are very questionable but so I am so we get along pretty well!" [M/N] answered happily.

"That's good to hear. Well I guess I have to go now so bye loser!"

"gasp, you don't even love me that's sad" Before he could even finish his sentence Mary had already hung up on him.

"What the fuck, She's so rude and for what?" [M/N] said out loud almost yelling.

"Hey [M/N] you have to get ready you have an interview in an hour" Lee Know said as he walked into [M/N] and Felix's room.

"Oh okay, thanks for telling me Hyung" [M/N] said as he smiled at Lee Know.

"Who were you talking to?" Lee Know asked.

"Oh it was just Mary" [M/N] replied.

"Ah" Lee Know simply said as he walked out of the room leaving [M/N] to get ready.

~Time skip: Interview time :D~

[M/N]'s Pov:

Bang Chan and Changbin came along with me to my interview. I tried telling them they didn't need to come and I was okay by myself but they insisted on coming. We are now sitting in front of all the reporters. Okay now I'm glad they came along.

"[M/N] how do you feel about being the 9th member?" an interviewer asked

"I feel very honoured, I was surprised at first and to be honest I didn't actually know who Stray Kids were" I replied while rubbing the back of my neck.

"[M/N] how old are you and do you have any siblings?" another interviewer asked.

"I'm 19 years old so that would make me the youngest in the group, yes I do, I have a twin sister." I replied.

"[M/N] Who inspires you? Or who do you aspire to be like?" "V and Suga from BTS" I said with a smile.

"[M/N] Do you believe in ghosts?"

"Yes and infact I can see them" I can't actually see them, I can just feel them.

"[M/N] Do you have a secret obsession?" "Yes I do!"

"[M/N] Do you feel like you belong in Stray Kids?" It took me a moment to understand what they said.

"Uhh, No comment" I don't know why someone would even ask that?

"[M/N] Why didn't you answer that question?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't really have anything to say towards it" I said politely well as much as I could. I looked towards Bang Chan and Changbin and they didn't look too pleased at the questions.

"[M/N] When are you the happiest?" That's a good question..

"When I'm with people that I love" I answered shyly.

The interview went smoothly for the most part and I enjoyed it. 10/10 would do it again. Bang Chan and Changbin didn't really say much on the way back to the dorm's I guess they were just tired.

Hyunjin's Pov:

[M/N], Bang Chan and Changbin were back at the dorm. They were all sitting on the couch watching tv. I walked over to them and sat next to [M/N], he looked over at me but then went back to watching tv.

"Hey [M/N] I want to know more about your sister!" [M/N] slowly turned his head towards me.

"Why?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"I think she's a cool person plus she's your sister so I think it's only fair"


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