⚠️ Chapter 19 - Slow and steady ⚠️

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"Hyung, if I was doing this for your sake I wouldn't have asked you to join me and I definitely wouldn't have kissed you right now."

Hope you guy's won't mind me using "Minho" instead of "Lee Know" it's getting annoying typing "Lee Kmow" all the time 💀 Anyway enjoy :)

[No one's pov]

After their make out session in the bathroom, they decided to go further and moved to Minho's room as he doesn't have a roommate and doesn't have any other rooms near it so their noises would somewhat be muffled.

Minho gently pushes [M/N] into his bed before latching onto his lips. [M/N] puts his hands on Minho's waist pulling his body over him. Minho smiled against the kiss putting a knee on either side of the younger letting him feel his chest.

"Can I take your shirt off?" Minho asks, pulling away. [M/N] whines a little at the loss but eagerly nodded and his shirt was taken off and put on the floor besides the bed. "God you're sexy" he mumbles kissing his down his chest.

Minho tugs on [M/N]'s pants and looks at him for approval. He nods slowly as he's still a little nervous about the whole thing but nonetheless he is ready for what Minho has in store for him.

"It's okay, let me take care if you," [M/N] nodded, feeling the elder's nose glide up his abdomen and pecking him on his lips.
"So pretty," he whispered, pulling off his pants. Minho leans back to appreciate his body. This is something he told himself to do, to appreciate his body like no one else will ever do.

"Hyung" [M/N] whines. He waited so long for this and Minho was talking his time and his patience was running low. Minho chuckled finding him cute.

"Baby, you have to be patient. I have to be gentle with you since it's your first time." This causes [M/N] to whine loudly.

"I've waited for so long. You don't have to be gentle, just please hurry up!" Minho pecked him on his lips and reached for the lube in the drawer of the nightstand, putting some on his fingers.

"You don't need that." [M/N] complains, noticing the olders movement.

"I do need it. Do you want it be painful?" The younger groans in annoyance.

"Hyung, I'm sure it won't hurt that bad so you don't need that." Minho chuckles softly, finding [M/N]s behaviour cute.

"[M/N] sweetie, you're not going to be wet enough and I want your first time to be somewhat less painful." He said in a very sweet, soft tone. [M/N] cups the olders face and pulls him down into a kiss. They stay like that for a short moment before they pulled away. [M/N] sighs and mumbles something that Minho didn't quite catch.

"Mm? What was that?" Minho teased.

"Do whatever you want, I just want you to hurry up and fuck me already." [M/N] huffed. Minho laughed at his eagerness and lubed [M/N] up before pushing a finger into his entrance. [M/N] let out a shaky breath, throwing his head back at the new sensation.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt?" Minho asked worriedly. The younger shakes his head and tells him to continue. The older slowly began to thrust his finger, gently moving it around as much as he could so the second one wouldn't hurt as bad.

"Fuck." [M/N] whined as Minho slid a second finger in. After a while Minho added a third finger earning a deep moan from [M/N].  He continued to stretch him for a good while longer making sure [M/N] was ready. Once Minho decided that he was ready, he pulled out his fingers. He lined himself up to his entrance and slowly began to push in. The [M/N] groans at the stretch and realises that Minho was right. It does hurt a lot more than he thought it would. Minho brings [M/N] into a kiss to distract him the pain he was feeling.

Even though Minho had properly loosened him. It still very much hurts for [M/N]. He was definitely surprised by how much it actually hurt.

"Baby I know it hurts. You're doing so well. Can you calm your breathing for me?" Minho noticed [M/N] breathing heavily and wanted him to calm it down. He waited for a bit to see if the younger would calm down but he didn't.

"[M/N], baby I need you to calm down." Minho began to grow worried. He pulled out to which [M/N] let out a quiet moan meaning he was still reacting but wasn't listening to anything Minho says.




"[M/N]! Wake up!" A voice yelled. [M/N] groans in annoyance and slowly opens his eyes to find his twin sister standing over his bed with an annoyed look on her face.

"Good you're awake. Dad made breakfast so hurry up!" She turns to the door to walk out but before she could she turns back around to face [M/N]. It was then she noticed his now confused expression.

"What's wrong?"

"My dream felt so real..."

"Oh. Really?"


Mary began to ask him about his dream and he happily yet very conflicted told her all about it. She was shocked by how real it was, at first she thought he was lying and there was no way a dream could be that real yet in that very moment she was proven wrong.

Silence then fell within the room as they both tried to get their thoughts sorted. Suddenly [M/N]'s phone rang making them shift their attention away from their thoughts to his phone. [M/N] picks up his phone and saw it was a number that he didn't know. He hesitantly answers,


"Hi! Is this Min [M/N]?"

"Uhh yes, it is. Who is this?"

"Hello [M/N]! I'm Choi Eun-Young. I was told to call you."

"Why did you need to call me?"

"I'm here to congratulate you!"

"Congratulate me? Why?"

"You passed your audition at JYP."

"Wait what?" [M/N] looked at Mary with shock.



Have a good rest of your day, night and evening~

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