Chapter 15

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That day the company sent [M/N] back to his home so his "mental health" could recover faster.

"I'm home!~" He said as he entered his house for the first time since he joined Stray kids.

"[M/N]? what are you doing here? aren't you supposed to be on tour? What about the others? Do they know you're here?" His mother asked.

"Mum! you're supposed to great me not question me!" He huffed.

"Sorry" she chuckled, "Why didn't you tell me that you were coming? I would have made your favourite food!"

"I wanted to surprise you! Were you surprised?"

"Of course! Come here!" His mother said pulling him into a tight hug.

"Where's Dad and Mary?" [M/N] asked as he noticed the house was quiet.

"Oh!, they're out filming for Mary's youtube channel. It's a father, daughter video since they haven't done one for awhile." [M/N] nodded in understanding to his mother's words.

After awhile Mary and their father returned. When they saw that [M/N] was home they both gave him a massive hug.

"[M/N]! What are you doing home?" Mary asked.

"I'm on mental break"

"What?! Are you okay?" His father said out of concern.

"Yeah I'm fine." [M/N]'s father sighed in relief.

They continued to have conversations for the rest of the day until they had to go to bed.


[M/N] told his parents that he's getting surgery and will need to be dropped off and will need to be picked up when the surgery is done. Of course his parents were worried about the whole thing, he reassured them by telling them that he will be okay and to trust the surgeon. Once their worries calmed, they took him to the hospital. They left after he went into surgery and will be back after it was done.

While [M/N] was in surgery, the surgeon noticed that he had injured his shoulder. They discussed about whether they would fix it or not and decided they would fix it.


Mary was in the recovery room waiting for [M/N] to wake up. While she was waiting, she was messaging Felix. He was worried about [M/N] and wanted to make sure he was okay. Mary told him he was okay but Felix wanted to see for himself so he video called her.

"Mary-ah, are you sure he's okay?"

"Yes I'm sure he's okay!"

"Can I see him?"

"Sure" Mary hesitantly turns her camera to [M/N]. She closely watches Felix's reaction to see him. Felix wasn't surprised when he saw [M/N] laying in a hospital bed. Lee Know had told him the real reason why [M/N] was going on hiatus.

"I'm glad he's finally gotten what he wanted." Was the only thing Felix said before [M/N] woke up. He looked around confused, he had forgotten where he was. He saw Mary sitting beside him.

"Where am I?" Mary chuckled a little.

"You're in the hospital recovering from top surgery."

"So they chopped my melons off?" Both Mary and Felix burst into laughter. This was definitely something [M/N] wouldn't say when he wasn't high on anesthesia and pain meds. After a while they stopped laughing and continued to talk to [M/N], taking full advantage of his state of consciousness.


Sorry it took so long to update. I forgot I was writing this lol. I finished it but completely forgot to upload it 😅 I know it's short but I promise the next one will be much longer!

Have a good day, night or afternoon 🤗

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