reasons why i haven5 been updsting (A/N)

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sorry if there's bad spelling errors, my glasses broke and i don't get my new ones u til a couple weeks/day and my vision itself is very bad and very strained from trying to read so much so barr with me...

i havent up,ladled in a while because of a lot of things, but it's mostly with the fact i have a lot of writing projects going on and i'm too messy of a person to divide my days into focusing on each one because i'm like that 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ plus obviously i have a life
i couldn't find any ideas in my brain to write, i mean i did post but it was depressing so i took it down
i've been writing in secret though and honing my skills so hopefully i can get even better and salvage this godforsaken book, don't know when i'll start posting again since school is starting soon and i'm going to be busy the rest of this month butt that's all i have to write
everything i see is thick blobs so 8 hope this is good and doesn'tsound like trash sogoodbye

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