Chapter 3

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Since I love love LOVE the breakfast club its my favorite.Go watch it! Vote, comment, or whatever. Enjoy!

Sincerely Yours,



When I woke up Sammy was freaking out in my mind. She was frantic. There was definitely something wrong. I stood up and start to scout the area for foreign objects or a potential threat. The air shifted and the animals went silent. Someone or something was out in the woods watching my every move. I know I cant run from what is out there because it knows where I am I not know it. I have to wait till it shows it self.

The longer I wait the stronger I feel its aurora. It expels an evil and diabolical presence. If I have to fight what ever it is I will most likely die. I am not strong enough to been a force such as this one. I need a plan. One that wont end up getting me killed and will let me live to lead a life of solitude. I need... I need...

The bushes start to rustle and the wind shifts so I can smell what ever is coming towards me. Just as I am about to run a five men step out of the bushes. They seem kind but there aurora is darker then the night and shadier then a backstreet ally on a Saturday night.

"I marked this as my territory leave now or I will not hesitate to kill you!"

"Pup calm your lid. My men and I caught your sent and tracked you here. We want to offer you a place in our pack or at least a place to stay until you can build your own house out here. I am Alpha Jason by the way."

I didn't want to go but it was the only way to live at this point. I followed them back to god knows where but keep the directions in my mind and create a map so I can get back to my camp and then run. It was a long walk to there pack. We have at least walked 3 miles. Half a hour later the trees started to thin out and houses started to appear. There was no one around. The lights on the houses were off and I could hear no breathing in the houses or and heartbeats. It was strange there were no men, women, or kids coming to see that there was a stranger in the territory. Where is everyone? The first man, Alpha Jason, kept on walking like nothing was wrong. Like this is what it is always like. As the houses started to get closer together I could hear voices. They were excited and happy but they were arguing about something. As I got closer they all quieted down. You could hear a pin drop now. It was creepy. I wanted to run but within many male wolves it would be impossible. I would either be captured or killed.

As I looked around I could see no women and only a couple kids. They were maybe toddlers that looked really happy to see a women? They looked so sad like no one cared for them or paid attention to them. I wanted to go over to them and just huge them and shield them from all the evils in the world. When I run I will take all of them with me. All four of them. Alpha Jason started talking but I was still focused on the kids. Two were babies one no more them 5 days old. Jason realizes that I'm not paying attention and follows my gaze to the kids. He put he hand in the middle of my back and leans in and whispers to me," go on Izzi." I started to run over to them. When I got there I knelt down in and picked up the oldest child. She was maybe 2 maybe not even that. As soon as she was settled in my arms she clung to my shirt and started to whimper. I whispered in her ear, "I will never leave you ever. I will never leave any of you." Still holding the little girl I sat on the ground and picked up the three little ones. The girl climbed out of my arms and sat on my lap so the babies could sit in my arms. They were all so small and tiny.

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