Chapter 4

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I woke up to the sun rising over the trees and the babies crying because they kicked their blankets off. I picked up the blankets and put blankets back on JJ and Magdalena. I picked up Jack and Aiden and started to breast feed them. Once Aiden and Jack were done I started to feed JJ and I pulled out some of the carrot baby food for Magdalena. Once every one was fed I put them back into the baskets and I strapped the baskets on to my back. I walked out of the cave and I ran into the forest towards our destination New York, New York.


I have been running off and on for days now. I only stop to feed the babies and hunt. I follow the line of caves all the way across the country. only once did the pack get close.

I stop to listen to everything around me. The crickets and birds stop moving and making noise. Something big and dark is coming and it is coming right for us. I ran as fast as I could throw the trees and over downed logs. The trees went past me so fast that I couldn't see them anymore. I went through the forest on pure instinct. Sammy took over and guided us to another cave where we saw only one wolf. It smelled like one of the fighters that took me to Jason. I settled the babies in the cave and let Sammy have control as she wanted blood for how these people treated her babies. I sat in the back seat and watched as Sammy took total control. She stepped into the shadows from the cave so the enemy would not know where our babies where directly. About 15 yards away from the cave she stepped out of the shadows and let out a furious growl that the big chestnut wolf matched. She started to circle him and him her. It was give in take for awhile until Sammy saw and opening and lunges at the chestnut wolf. It all started to blur from then on. I felt pieces of our hide being ripped and crimson blood being spilt around us. Finally the chestnut wolf submitted to her and she let him up and the chestnut wolf ran. She chased him for 10 minutes before she ran back to the cave where the babies resided. Once Sammy saw they were fine she bathed in the cool water of the stream and then she finally gave me full control of my body again.

That was the only time anyone came close to the babies. Now I am just out side of New York, New York. The biggest place in the world and also one of the busiest supernatural cities in the world. It is the perfect place for a shifter hide and disappear into the thousands of people here. This is where I need to settle down and raise the kids. I slowly made my way down to the outskirts of the city. With a basket in each hand I made my way to the shifter refuge house in the middle of the city. I needed to get there before dark or before the Blood pack got any closer.

I was walking down a big alley in between the buildings so I stayed out of sight of the public. I wanted to stay away from all of the people in case something happened and I needed to protect ourselves. I heard footsteps behind us but the scent wasn't from either pack so I wasn't to worried. I kept walking towards the main street where the house was but there was five guys a head of me. I started to get more and more nerves I got. I started to shift so I could better protect them. By the time I got to the middle of the alley I was cornered. There were ten men all coming torwards me. There was not where to go they surrounded me. I raised my head and snarled at them but I cant do anything with out leaving the babies unprotected. Well shit this is not good Sammy is going crazy because there is nothing she can do. The man in the middle took a step forward but for some reason it calmed me the closer they got. It freaked me out so I started to fight against the pull more.

"Easy love we aren't here to hurt you. We are going to protect you ok? I'm Colton, love. Whats yours?" He spoke with a heavy Brookelyne accent. His dark hair fell over his piecing green eyes with flecks of gold. I looked at him with lust but I pushed it down and I grabbed the babies and then I followed them to a mansion on top of a hill. Before I stepped in I looked at Colton and said "my name is Izzi." He looked back at me and smiled back at me. He put his hand on my shoulder and guided me forward to a massive stair case I wasn't sure Magdalena could make it up the stairs so I looked at Colton and he picked her up and placed her on his shoulders. We made it upstairs three flights and Colton turned to walk down the hallway to the third door on the right He opened it and it was a huge master bedroom. The walls are black and the trimming and ceiling are white. The mahogany bed had black sheets and pillows with a crimson comforter. I walked forward and felt the silk sheets underneath my finger tips.It was gorgeous.

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