{<|~|>} Chapter 2: A Pokémon and an Emergency!

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The girl clutched Mallory's shoulders tightly and whimpered "There gonna take me back, they're gonna take me back" she spoke under her breath.

"Squirtle, get ready for a Water Gun, and when I say go, you fire! Is that clear?" Mallory asked

"Squirtle Squirt!" The small Pokémon nodded. Footsteps approached the area, rapidly.

"Go!" Mallory shouted, just before he saw that the target was 2 teachers, 1 male, 1 female. "Teachers?"

"Run!" The girl grabbed Mallory's arm and started dragging him into the trees.

"Ahh! Squirtle, keep up!" Mallory and the girl ran through the woods, the teachers footsteps were getting louder.

The girl grabbed Mallory and pulled him into a ditch. "Shh!" She whispered, gesturing appropriately. It wasn't too soon before Squirtle jumped into the ditch after them.

When the footsteps were no longer audible, Mallory asked "Who are you? Why were you running away from your teachers? And why did you have to pull me into this mess?!" Mallory looked down to see he was coated in mud. He gestured down "and this one!"

"My name is Bashita" the girl spoke "My stepfather put me into boarding school after my parents died. I tried to tell him I didn't want to go, but he insisted I had to. My one true dream is to travel, see what this world has to offer! But he wouldn't accept that" Bashita drew a twig from her hair as she was talking

"Oh, I see" Mallory began "Well it's just so lucky that Squirtle and I are going to travel around Kanto for the Pokémon League then. Maybe you could come along with us?"

"I don't know, would I have to get a Pokémon?" Bashita asked

"You can if you want, I could give you my first catch"

"I don't know, that seems like a lot of effort to take care of it, feed it..."

"Well you don't have to get a Pokémon, if you don't want one"

"Well, I think I'll pass" said Bashita "But I don't mind travelling with you"

"Great" replied Mallory "I'm Mallory, now we need to get back on route to Viridian City! We just need to retrace our steps"

Once back on route the duo were excited for their future, for Mallory, it was a chance to find Pokémon in the forest, for Bashita it was the prospect of travelling the world.

"Squirtle Squirt!" And for little Squirtle, it was a chance to make some new buddies.


When the two arrived at Viridian City, Mallory was excited because he heard there was a gym in Viridian City. "Viridian City gym, here I come!"

"Wait! Mallory! I think you need more than 1 Pokémon to have a gym battle!" Bashita shouted after him. She turned back to Squirtle "Come on little fella, let's get you back to Mallory"

She picked up Squirtle and ran to the building she assumed was the Viridian City gym, it was the largest one she could see after all. She stopped in her tracks to see Mallory staring at the building in awe "I'm ready, I'm ready for my first gym battle"

"Mallory! You're going to need more than 1 Pokémon! Said Pokémon, you wouldn't even have if it wasn't for me picking him up after you!"

"Oh, right. Sorry about that Squirtle." Mallory lifted up Squirtle's Pokéball "Return" and just like that, Squirtle was sucked into the Pokéball via a beam of light.

Something shot through the roof of the building, and mere seconds later it began to crumble.

Out ran 4 Pokémon trainers and an entire team of cheerleaders.

"Get out the way!" one shouted as they ran outside. Everyone looked back at the gym and watched as it collapsed in on itself.

"What on Earth just happened!?" Mallory shouted

"I got my Earth Badge, that's what happened!" Replied a boy with black spiky hair under his red-white hat.

"But the gym, the gym is gone!" Mallory shouted

"It was all part of the plan" the boy said proudly

The building started falling forwards "ahh!" The cheerleader screamed in sync.

"Squirtle I choose you!" Mallory shouted as he selected the Pokéball from his pocket. A beam of light shot out of it and formed Squirtle "Quick, use Water Gun on that building!"

"Squirt, Squirtle Squirt" A fierce stream of water came from Squirtle's mouth, and it pushed the fall building back, in the process it crumbled into pieces and the air was filled with a thick cloud of debris.

"Wow! That's a strong Squirtle!" The boy commented

"Yeah, but I really wanted a Charmander though"

"After what I just saw, you must be out of your mind! How long have you had that Squirtle for?"

"I just got him today" Mallory replied "I got him from Professor Oak"

"Well you'd be mad to want to give up that Squirtle" The area went silent for a while

"If you just got your Earth Badge, then how many Badges do you have?" Bashita broke the silence.

"I just got my eighth, and now I'm ready to compete in the Regional Pokémon League!"

"Wow! That's what I plan on doing, but I haven't even gotten my first badge yet!"

"What's your name?" The boy asked "I'm Ash, Ash Ketchum"

"I'm Mallory, Mallory Doustan"

"And I'm Bashita Galemburg!"

"Well, I'm sure both of you will make fine Pokémon trainers"

"Actually, I'm not going to be a Pokémon trainer" Bashita replied

"Well we have to be off, don't we Misty" a tall tanned boy asked

"Yes we do Brock" agreed a small ginger girl


As Mallory and Bashita entered the forest on their way to Pewter City, the closest City after Viridian, they came across a rustling in the bushes. Out jumped a Paras.


"What is that?" Mallory asked, pulling out his Pokédex.

"[Paras, the Bug-Type Pokémon, Paras burrows under...]"

Mallory snapped his Pokédex shut and reached for his Pokéball "Squirtle I choose you!"


{</"My my, that is a strong Water Gun"\>}

Mallory's Pokémon Journeys 1: Indigo LeagueWhere stories live. Discover now