Chapter 1

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The day was slow and uneventful, more so then usual. You leaned your head against the cold back of your leather couch, flinching at the sudden freeze against your neck.

You found yourself rubbing your temples in an attempt to soothe your nagging headache that just wouldn't seem to go away.

"You alright dear?" Your mother called out from the kitchen. All you could do was sigh, then take a moment to collect your thoughts. Just one of those days, eh?

"Yeah I'm alright.. just uh- got a bit of a headache."
You said in an attempt to soothe your mothers woes, but she always seemed to overreact. All the time.

"I knew you shouldn't have gone to visit your friend when she had that cold! You never listen to me."

Great... now this turned into a lecture.

As your mother began to say this and that about you being 'stubborn' and how she was just 'concerned for your well-being', a moment passes and you feel your eyes begin to flutter shut, your mothers nagging becoming nothing but white noise in your tired brain.

The school holidays were never much fun for you, mostly spending them asleep or staying up a little too late for your mother's liking. It never bothered you too greatly, a little lack of general motivation never hurt anybody.

Well.. I guess that's not entirely true.

You had plans, and though they may have appeared to be childish, you were honestly thrilled at the idea of going through with them.

It's a little embarrassing.. but you, your mother, and your little sister were going to check out that brand new Mega Pizza-Plex, or whatever it was called.

I mean seriously.. 'Pizza-Plex'? That's gotta be one of the lamest names I've ever heard.

You chuckled to yourself upon the thought. Sure it sounded dumb, but your inner child was practically screaming for some kind of chance like this. This place had robots, attractions, food (with concerning calorie counts), and so much more?? I mean what 16 year old wouldn't want to goof around in there?

Not like I have many friends to goof around with.

Aaaand there goes your good mood. You really did have a knack for ruining your own thoughts. Can't even be peaceful in your mental palace huh?

You tried to recall what you were originally thinking about before you went and ruined everything with your naturally pessimistic self, and found yourself moping instead.

"Ughh.." You audibly groaned. You heard your mother gasp from the kitchen, taken aback by your sudden forwardness. Oh shoot, she was still lecturing me wasn't she?

"Someone's feeling sassy today!" Your mother snapped, storming out from the kitchen, a bowl of what you assumed was soup in her hand.

"Oh uhh.. that- that wasn't at you mom." You defended, her eyes staring daggers into yours.

"Then what was it at?" She asked, raising an eyebrow and placing the bowl onto the table in front of you. Your eyes darted around the room nervously, avoiding eye contact and wringing your hands.

"Just thinking about that stupid fire..." You mumbled, kind of hoping she didn't actually care enough to continue the conversation. Seems like your worries we're pointless though, because she wasn't going to let that slide.

"I know! I cant believe it, what was it again? An arsonist? Crappy wiring?" She exclaimed, crossing her arms and looking rather passionate about the subject. When something annoyed your mother, she would not let you forget it.

"And don't get me started on how many times they've re-branded that goddamn bear, what was his name... Fredrick?"

"It's Freddy mom." You're pretty sure she just said that last part to make you laugh, and you can't deny the fact it did make you smile a little. Just a little.

"Hey, I'm sure they'll open up a new place in like a week from now.. they always seemed to come back." Your mother said, crossing her arms and looking upwards slightly, reminiscing about the golden days.

"You don't have to worry about me mom, I'm 16. I'm not going to sob over a robotic bear." You laughed, running a hand through your hair.

"Oh yeah?" She said, leaning forward towards the table and nudging the bowl of soup closer to you. "Eat up before it's cold."

"Don't you mean drink up?"

"You can shut up."


You finished drinking (Eating?) your soup and
decided you were starting to feel pretty tired, whether that was because of your mother's consistent rantings or your own lack of sleep was a mystery.

"I think I'm gonna head to bed." You yawned, sitting up from the couch and stretching. "Oh yeah? You getting bored of your mom's nagging?" She laughed.

She placed a hand on your head and gave your hair a good scruffing before following your example and getting up from the couch as well.

"I'm just playing around, sleep well honey."

You gave your mother a soft smile before traversing to your bedroom, careful not to hit any creaky floorboards that could wake your already sleeping sister.

The moment your head hit the pillow you felt intense relief wash over you. Jeez.. I didn't even do anything today and I'm frickin' exhausted.

The air was harsh tonight, cold daring to bite at your skin. You pulled the covers over you, nuzzling into your second pillow for extra warmth.

Before you knew it, you had passed out asleep.



The sudden commotion of sound outside your house had you jump so hard you awoke from your once peaceful rest, holding your pillow so tightly and close to your face you struggled to breathe.

What. The hell. Was that.

An: hey so no promises I'll actually finish this/update consistently, I just want to see if this is something you guys would like. I've been REALLY unmotivated so sorry in advance.

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