Chapter 6

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"So um.. the light is just a bit away so- do you think you'll be alright to walk with me over there?" You explained, stepping over towards the end of the alley and motioning for him to follow.

Sun looks towards the dust coated brick wall and reluctantly pushes himself off of it, stumbling for a moment before clumsily steadying himself.

"You alright there bud?" You asked, treading back over to him. You imagined it probably wouldn't be easy for a robot with one arm to balance itself. He looked anxious, but gave not even a hint of a response.

Hesitantly, he took a few steps to the near end of the alley before abruptly freezing in his tracks and trembling. This sudden change of demeanor took you majorly off guard. "Woah uh- you- you seriously okay?"

He stood upright, staring off into seemingly nothing. "You seeing something that I'm not?" You ask, shifting yourself over to his side and attempting to follow his gaze. His eyes were frozen in place, but from this close up you could definitely tell there seemed to be little lenses underneath the plastic shell, and... something else? You decide not to question it, though it makes you slightly uneasy.

You return your gaze to the darkness and squint your eyes, trying hard to see the threat seemingly hiding in the darkness. But there was nothing. Just layers upon layers of thick blackness, swirling off and folding into eachother into an unseeable void.

However, in front of said darkness laid your destination. The street lamp, shining brightly and piercing through the dark, the one comforting piece of hope flickering into the night.

Well.. not the only hope I suppose.

You shoot your bedroom window another glance then quickly shake your head.

It would never work.

"You uh.. scared of the dark?" You half chuckled, scratching the back of your head. You knew that the walk there would be short, maybe five minutes, but it would still be quite dim on the way. Should you have brought a flashlight?

Sun glanced towards the ground below him, seemingly trying to put his thoughts into words.

Not like he could speak said words though.

Your thoughts raced as he stood there motionlessly, did you say something wrong? You must've...

Wordlessly, Sun looked back up at you. He didn't move, his face didn't change, it couldn't. It was permanently stuck in an unnerving manic grin. But thankfully you were starting to get used to it.

With a glance at his hand you noticed a slight tremor. He was uncomfortable, maybe that's too kind of a word for how he was feeling right now.

He stayed silent, it was very, very silent, aside from the usual cricket chirping every now and then. He said nothing, but he didn't need to. And even if he wanted to, he couldn't. You somehow understood him perfectly without much thought at all.

He's not scared,

he's terrified.

You thought for a moment, what could you do? How could you make him feel better? You had never really been great at comforting, and you'd never comforted a robot before. Heck, you didn't even know that they needed closure. So this probably wasn't really a great place to begin practicing human decency.

Curse you and your anti-social lifestyle.

Well.. I guess I'll just have to be the bigger person... despite the height difference. You nodded to Sun, not knowing the cause of his troubles, but understanding that they were still present and definitely still affecting him. He was utterly powerless after all.

You took his hand in yours and looked back up towards him with a small yet gentle smile. "C'mon, we'll go together. That streetlight isn't going anywhere until the sun comes up."

As quickly as the tremor in his hand had appeared, it was gone. Your words didn't completely remove his anxiety, but gave him enough courage to take the first step. And this fact couldn't help but make you smile like an idiot.

As the two of you walked towards the streetlamp, a thin layer of darkness enveloped you, and you felt the air around you chill you right down to the bones. Shivering, you hugged your arms together to savor any warmth, feeling the goosebumps rise on your skin, when suddenly in the corner of your eyes you saw Sun jerk forward to face you.

"Uhh... you alright there? Having s-s-" A deep shiver ran up your spine and cut you off. "-second thoughts?" You finished, taking in a sharp inhale before slowly exhaling in one long shaky breath. Sun shook his head then pointed to your arms. "Hm?" You rotated your head in confusion, shooting your arms a glance then looking back up at him.

And boy did you have to look up. This guy was like- double your height! And you weren't even that short either! You were probably what most would call "average height". So the fact he still towered over you and casted you in even deeper shadows was... quite the experience.

The robot sank back, making a garbled noise that sounded a little too similar to a sigh. Sun mimed someone shivering then raised his hand again, pointing to you and patiently awaiting an answer.

"Are you... asking if I'm cold?" Sun nodded so vigorously and enthusiastically you were almost concerned his head would fly off. "Yeah kinda? I think I'm just coming down with something..." The Sun just kept walking, staring at you innocently.

"Like- I think I'm getting sick." You explained further. The robot stopped walking, his entire frame jolting with new found energy. He raised his palm to your forehead and sank back a little when he felt it wasn't too worrying. Yet.

"Did you just check my temperature?" You asked, dumbfounded. Though the more you thought about it, the more it occurred to you that it wasn't that strange. I mean- It's a pretty advanced robot. "So what like- you have a built in thermometer?" You asked, a light chuckle escaping you.

The robot shook his head, which piqued your curiosity even further. Honestly the list of questions you had for this robot was almost unending.

You and Sun continued walking, but you still had a lot of questions that you may as well ask, the walk wasn't long but some banter could help lighten the mood, right?

That was terrible (Y/n).

"Okay so- is it okay if I ask some questions?" You asked, the robot looking back at you with a polite nod.

Nows your chance! "Uhh.. eheh.. so- you're a dude right?" It was a stupid question of course, out of all the things you could have asked them you chose to ask that?? The robot nodded, not phased by the question at all. "Oh okay, cool."

How though.


Okay next question-

"So like... you're from the pizzeria that burnt down right?" The robot nodded once more. "Okay cool- well not cool! I mean I'm not saying it's cool that it burnt down! Cool you're from there- but it sucks that it burnt down- you- you know what I meant!!"

You nervously stammered with your words, for some reason not able to take back what you said even though at this point you knew you were just making a fool out of yourself, until something peculiar happened.

You heard a laugh. An almost human sounding laugh. It wasn't scary, though a laugh in the middle of the night probably should be. It was... soft. A genuine laugh that carried so much relief in it's tone. Like something terrible had happened incredibly recently but they were able to push past that hurt to just experience a calm and peaceful moment.

Then it hit you.

You looked up at the robot and saw him with his hand placed right where his mouth is, his grin somehow appearing more wide then ever, though you knew it hadn't changed. "Did you just..?"

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