Chapter 3

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You couldn't move. You didn't even know what the hell you were looking at. Your throat felt dry and tight with fear.

Is that a.. a...

A body?

You grit your teeth, eyes wide with uncertainty, as you stumbled backwards into your door, sight locked onto whatever you were seeing outside the glass.

Whatever that thing was.

It was slouched onto the concrete ground, leaning against the alley's wall. The more you observed it, the more your heart began to slowly calm down.

It wasn't human.

"It's.. it's a toy." You croaked out, your throat still tight with worry. It was ominous, it was extremely ominous. Golden arms hanging limply beside itself, one of its lower arms completely missing, replaced with nothing but a few strands of grey wire.

You couldn't make out it's face, so you slid closer to your window. Face pressed against the glass, fear now replaced with genuine curiosity, you notice a few peculiar things.

It's head- or I guess it's face seemed to be mostly flat, behind it a mess of wires that had been noticeably burnt. Not only the wires though, it seemed many of its metallic looking limbs were tinged with darkened scorch marks.

The parts of it's jester-like outfit that were a dark red fabric partnered with a slight yellow, were torn, tattered, and burnt, obviously due to a fire.


a fire?

As in the fire at the Pizza-Plex?!

This isn't a toy. This is- this is one of the animatronics.. isn't it? But what the hell was it doing outside of your house in an alleyway??

Wouldn't Faz-bear Entertainment have kept it for spare parts? Why would they just dump it out here? Why dump it at all? They'd make a quick buck just selling it if they didn't want the thing.

You felt your eyes jump across the rather mangled robot with what could only be described as excitement. I need to get a closer look.

No wait- that's a terrible idea! What if it's dangerous?!

I've heard those stories.. the stories told to me when I was younger. How the place was "haunted", how there was the so-called "bite", but these were just rumors.. weren't they? You couldn't lie to yourself though, the rumors actually played a large part in you wanting to go to the Pizza-Plex in the first place.

But the more you stared in awe, the more you felt your legs begin to move on their own.

No point in even trying to listen to reason at this point. There's a freaking robot outside your window!

And sure.. you were no detective, not even close, but if this could have some kind of explanation for what happened in the fire, you wanted to know.

Why did you want to know? Well it can either be knocked down to stupid curiosity, or just maybe...pettiness that you didn't get your goofing day at the Pizza-Plex.

Opening your home's door, you scurried outside and approached the alleyway. For some reason, seeing the robot actually laid down in front of you in such a state of disarray, caused an intense nervousness to burn in your stomach. The cool breeze of the night air didn't seem to help much either, as you felt your teeth begin to chatter.

This is a really bad idea. You approached the animatronic until you were close enough to really take in some more of the details you couldn't quite make out from your window. You were only able to see it so clearly now that your room's light was on, shining from the bedroom window onto it's limp form.

That sound, that crash, was this the thing that made it? How? Does that mean it's- it's still functioning?! I can't think of any companies dumping scrapped parts out at THIS time of night. And even then.. can this even be considered "parts"? It's (for the most part), still in one piece.

I'm starting to think it wasn't brought here.

You swallowed anxiously, getting even closer to the robot. Is it friendly? Can I.. turn it on?

What the hell am I thinking?? Why would I want to turn it on?? I should just tell mom that this is here and get it sent back to those Faz-bear Entertainment schmucks!

You sighed and leaned down to see the robot eye to eye. This thing was freakishly tall and strongly resembled that of a sun. What purpose would this even serve kids who visited the Pizza-Plex?? This is the first I've seen of it. Plus it's goddamn creepy.. it's unfaltering smile and unblinking dead eyes. Maybe they made it to give the kids nightmares.

You couldn't help but chuckle at your last mental comment, but boy did you wish you didn't.

The robot flinched.

It fricking moved. It responded to your voice.

Your blood instantly ran cold as you threw yourself backwards away from the animatronic, breathing frantic and unstable.

It's alive!? How?! Holy crap!! What do I do?!

It's just a glitch, I- I just imagined it! You repeated thoughts along those lines until you almost believed it yourself. But the robot was no longer moving, it was just as limp now as it was before. Did it really flinch? Did I actually just imagine it?

Why do I.. feel bad for it? Did I scare it? Robots can't feel fear can they?

It's just a big chunk of metal that somehow survived a disaster fire, but how did it survive? You had heard the entire building was falling to pieces. There's no way this thing was carried out, not when I'm sure there was people who needed to evacuate!

Wait.. but didn't the fire happen around nighttime? If I'm recalling correctly.. the fire occurred while the Pizza-Plex was closed. There had been no casualties because there was "no one in the building to begin with", or so they said.

No employees would have been in the building in the first place to carry it out.

Did it.. run?

Are robots.. programmed to want to... live?

You swallow once more, this time thicker then the last. You had been told that these robots seemingly had personalities, technology was rapidly advancing nowadays so this was little surprise to you, but.. the will to live? Is that really something you can give to what is seemingly inanimate?

Let's test this out then.

"Hello? Are you.. alive?"

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