Chapter 4

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The robot jumped so hard it slammed its head into the back of the alley wall, most likely damaging it even more then it already was.

Good going (Y/n).

You yelled so loud you were honestly a little concerned your mother hadn't woken yet. "Hello?? You scared the hell out of me!" You shouted in a tone sharper then intended before quickly lowering your voice.

Whoops. The neighbors must hate me.

You expected the robot to just go limp again, but this time it was.. ratting? Would trembling be a better word? The robot suddenly lifted it's head upwards to look at you, a quiet, garbled, unintelligible sound releasing from it's voice box. The sound was almost grating, and you found yourself shielding your ears.

Is it damaged so badly it can't even speak? Well then again.. I don't even know if it could speak to begin with.. ughh so confusing!

Despite this, it was obviously trying to make some kind of noise. The moment the sun-like robot realized that it's words wouldn't- or couldn't form, it froze, almost looking fearful, raising a hand to it's upper chest, most likely where the voice box was located.

It was strange just how much a robot with a frozen face could emote just through body language. The animatronic then raised it's arms up in front of it, a little startled to see that one of it's lower arm joints were missing.

"What's wrong?" You asked without thinking.

Dumbass! I'm so stupid oh my godddd, why did I say that?! It's so painfully obvious what's wrong! Not like it could even answer! Godd I'm so bad at this...

But even if it could answer, what would it say? Is it sentient? Is it even possible for a robot to be sentient? So many questions bottled up in your head that the world around you began to spin a little.

You mentally kicked yourself then decided to rephrase.

"Do you... need help?"

The robot turned its head away for a moment, observing the street beside the alley. Cars rarely drove by the road at this time of night, besides the casual night worker every now and then. A few moments of silence passed, not even any weird garbled sounds came from the robot, and you felt your skin crawl more from the unwavering silence.

"...d...a...r...k." It croaked out in a terrifyingly mechanical voice. It pronounced each letter so forcefully, like it was desperately trying for it to be audible under the layers of nonsensical noise.

You let out a small squeak in surprise at the sound of it actually speaking. "So you can speak huh?" If you can even call that speaking. It's voice box or speaker must be pretty damaged..

"Dark?" You crouch down and settle yourself into a seating position on your knees, careful to not sit in the particularly wet areas of the alley's already grimy floor. "Is that what you said?" The robot nodded.

"What do you mean?" You asked, blinking a few times as it just stared at you. Jeez this thing is unnerving. Blink for god's sake!

It raised it's worn arm that still had a hand attached to it and pointed at your brightly lit bedroom window.

Oh hell no.

Oh HELL no.

"Do you- do you want to go in there?"

You waited a good five seconds before immediately panicking. It hadn't even responded yet and you were already all worked up.

The animatronic quietly sat there for a second, just observing you with the slight tilt of it's head. Did it notice that you weren't exactly thrilled at the idea of letting some creepy ass burnt sun animatronic into your bedroom?

After another moment of silence, you felt every second that passed by was crucial. "I uhh.." You nervously stumbled with your words, not knowing exactly what to say, and not knowing exactly what not to say either.

The robot lowered it's head to face the ground below itself, resting it's arm and hand onto it's knee. It looked defeated.

"I-I.. I don't know if that's possible.." You answered.

It technically wasn't a lie. If you let it into your room, you would totally wake your family, and there is absolutely no way your mother would let it stay, not even for a night. Not to mention the fact that this scorched robot gave off super eery vibes. Like seriously horror game vibes.

More quieter garbled noises emitted from the robot, but it didn't look up at you this time. It almost sounded like a.. sigh?

Now I've really done it. Not only do I disappoint all my peers, but apparently even robots now!

"L...i...g.. ... h...t..." The robot spoke once more, as it grasped the burnt fabric of it's pants with it's only remaining hand, looking almost desperate.

Your heart stung for a moment. It's tone was so human it took you off guard. Of course, the voice was still riddled with whatever malfunction occurring, but such a sad tone nonetheless.

"You want.. light?" You furrow your brow and think for a moment, did it actually just want the light? Not your room? Not shelter? Just.. the light?

You inch slightly closer to the robot and place a hand on it's shoulder, noticing there seemed to be some kind of wiring attaching it's upper arm to it's torso. It jolted a little and let out a small glitched yelp.

He's genuinely frightened. This- this shouldn't even be possible! Mom would think I'm crazy...

You looked away from it for a second to mentally collect yourself. No way. No way.

I am not bringing it in my room. I am not giving in.

"Alright fine, I have a plan."

God damn it.

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