Chapter 2

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You slowly pulled the pillow away from your face, your heart threatening to leap out of your chest. What was that? It sounded so loud! You grit your teeth in fear and frustration. Do I check? Do I wake mom? I'd feel bad if it was nothing..

Thoughts racing, you climb out of bed and stumble to your feet, your tiredness now being almost entirely replaced with adrenaline.

Your face felt hot and cold simultaneously, hair drenched in sweat. This paired up with the fact your head was pounding very clearly pointed towards the fact that maybe your mother was right about you going to your "sick friend's" house.

"Okay.. calm your breathing (Y/n).. that sound was- it's probably just a raccoon or.." You attempted to soothe yourself, but with just a second of reconsideration you realize that just isn't possible. Raccoons are not that heavy. It sounded like something.. fell?

You swallow, a drop of sweat trickling it's way down your forehead. You cautiously trudge over towards your window and adjust the curtain slightly with your thumb just enough to peek outside. You're met with the usual sight of the alley just across your room's window, you can recall complaining why you had to get the room with the worst view.

Now, completely opening the curtain, you take a closer look.

You always hated that window, it was especially creepy at night, the way the bricks always appeared so worn, the way you could barely make out a thing in that darkness, the way the moon reflected against the puddles of rainwater. Wait.. rain? I guess that's why it was so cold earlier.

You scanned the outside of your window carefully, or- as best you could, running your eyes up and down everything you could see until you were half convinced there was nothing. But still, it was so dark.. the shadows cutting into every inch of the alley, blocking out anything that could potentially be lurking.

If someone was standing in a particularly dark corner, you probably wouldn't even be able to tell.

You felt a shiver run up your body, whether that was because of your cold that was catching up on you, the intense fear of this situation, or just the especially frigid night was sort of hard to tell.

My neighborhood isn't so bad right? I'm sure it's nothing! Then again.. you lived so close to where the Pizza-Plex was, before it.. you know.. burnt down.

From what you recall, they wouldn't let reporters in to inspect the building or anything, they wouldn't even let the employees back in, so they all lost their jobs. Not like many employees worked there anyway, since you heard most of the stuff was handled by robots.

The whole fire was a huge mystery. Not to mention that crap 'faulty wiring' lie they pulled out of their ass.

But if that fire really was an arsonist attack, then maybe your neighborhood isn't as safe as you first assumed.

There's that shiver again.

"God (Y/n)! Stop trying to scare yourself!" You whispered in an attempt to shine some light onto this rather dim situation. "I'm just gonna go out there and prove that I'm just being a huge baby!"

You flicked on your light, momentarily blinded, and threw on a shirt and some pants before storming towards your door. Suddenly remembering your sleeping family, you pray they didn't hear your sudden outburst.

You hear a peculiar sound, but brush it off as your sister tossing around in her rather creaky bed.

Gently, opening the front door to your house, you peak outside. When you find nothing, you open it completely and slip out, shutting the door behind you. Nothing so far (Y/n). Your fine. Your stupid for doing this alone, but your fine.

You huff a small laugh at the realization that if you did die, you'd probably deserve it for doing something as dumb as this. What time was it? Midnight? You had forgotten to check.

Where do I even look? You find your palm flying to your face as you realize how dangerously unprepared you are.

"Okay well.. I'm not checking out the alleyway." You decide. "I've already checked it.. kind of." When you "checked" you could barely make out anything in that darkness, you just didn't want to admit you were too scared to check it out.

With a huff you glance around your front yard. Nothing. See? Nothing to be scared of. 

You clench your fists and breathe out a sigh of relief. Not because you felt safe now, but because you were glad your mini "search for things that could kill you" party was over. Seriously though, why did I think this was a good idea?

Stepping back inside, you head back to your room as quietly as possible before a sudden realization hits you. "Ah shoot, I forgot to turn off my light before I left.. I hope I didn't wake anyone up." You shut your bedroom door behind you and spun around to reach for your light switch when suddenly something caught your eye.

Something outside of your window.

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