Chapter Six: Message

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Nick was rounding his fifth mile on the treadmill when his phone chimed, a push notification momentarily obscuring his view of The Great British Bake Off. He didn't recognize the phone number, but the preview gave away just enough information that he knew exactly who the message was from.

He slowed his pace, deciding that now was as good a time as any for a cool down.

nick, it's charlie, the message read.

He waited, watching the light grey ellipsis appear and then disappear.

you don't happen to still have a dog, do you? i'm stuck in hour 3 of a compulsory webinar on patient privacy and i could use animal pics if you have any

Nick laughed out loud, drawing the attention of the joggers on either side of him. He wiped his brow with a towel, slowing the treadmill to a stop. He wasn't surprised, exactly, that Charlie had sent him a message—although he was relieved, after the way he had bungled their visit yesterday afternoon—but its easy, conversational style was like a time machine, sending him back to his teenage years in a way that made him a bit dizzy. Walking to the locker room, he considered his response.

Meet Edwin, he typed, attaching a photo of his 6-year old golden retriever, paws hanging over the edge of a chair back, ears sticking out from beneath a party hat.

He sighed. What was he doing? Charlie was with someone—moving in with someone, for god's sake. He was glad Charlie was happy, honestly. But he couldn't deny that after running into each other again, turning back was not an option. Even if it was just as a friend, he needed to keep Charlie in his life.


oooooooooooo, was the response, next to three pleading, puppy dog-eyed emojis.

'You should come round my flat and meet him sometime,' said a voice in his head, as though it had been preparing for this exact scenario.

No. Too presumptuous.

I usually take him to the park on Canterbury on my weekends off. Lots of adorable doggos over there. You're welcome to join sometime, I'm sure Edwin would enjoy the belly rubs.

He hesitated for just a moment, and then pressed Send.

tell edwin he'd better be prepared. i'm not allowed pets in my flat, and so I have years of pining for fluffy doggo bellies to unleash

ha, unleash. get it? hahaha

Nick sent a GIF of a forehead thumping onto a desk. Then, I'm off this Saturday if you want to come round. 10am?

yeah sounds good. i'll bring some gourmet treats as bribery. or bacon

You're not going to get my dog to like you more than me.

a man can dream

Nick smiled, recalling the way Charlie's dimples surfaced when he would play with the Nelsons' old dog, Nellie. Yeah, a man can, he thought.

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