Chapter Twelve: Forward

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Charlie woke first, morning light rippling on the grey walls as Nick's curtains danced lazily with the breeze. The events of the last 36 hours were almost unbelievable. Less than two days ago, he had been diligently preparing to join all of his daily rhythms and earthly possessions with those of another man. Then, the news about the move, the fight with Nick, the video chat with Elle and Tao, the sleepless night, the breakup with Thomas... and the reconciliation in the rain. And that kiss. Oh, that kiss.

In what felt like the blink of an eye, his entire life had been turned on its head. Then again, maybe everything had actually been upside down before, and now it was finally righted.

He turned to the left, gazing at Nick asleep in the bed next to him. Nick's face was soft and slack, his arms splayed overhead, his broad chest rising and falling with an easy cadence, his hair in disarray from rain and lovemaking. They had only reconnected five weeks ago; it felt like fifty years. Despite the ways they had each doubtlessly matured and changed over the last decade and a half, Charlie knew their love was timeless. He just regretted not having realized that until now.

Charlie migrated leftward until he could rest his head on Nick's shoulder, tracing easy circles on his chest with two fingers. He would have to get ready for work soon, and he didn't want to risk Nick sleeping through his departure.

Nick stirred, his head turning. His eyes fluttered open and settled on Charlie. He beamed. "Hi," he said, his voice still thick with sleep.

"Hi," said Charlie, smiling back. Then, "Your morning breath is atrocious, you know."

Nick feigned offense before rolling his body on top of Charlie's, grinning. Their lips met again, gently at first and then more deeply and desperately. Charlie pulled away after a moment, breathing hard. "I have a 9 o'clock patient," he reminded Nick, flipping him onto his back so that Charlie was on top again. He gave Nick another kiss before returning to his own side of the bed, reaching his arms to the floor to gather the clothes that had been discarded the day before.

"Good thing I don't see the same patients two days in a row," he said, grimacing as he held out his rumpled pullover and trousers. Nick hopped out of bed and pulled on a pair of joggers before approaching Charlie from behind, wrapping his arms around his waist.

Nick nuzzled his face into Charlie's neck. "I wish you didn't have to go," he said.

Charlie turned around to face him. "Me too," he said, combing his fingers through Nick's matted hair. "Real question, though... how is my hair in better shape than yours right now?"

Nick smiled, a single corner of his mouth upturned, his eyes fixed on Charlie. Nick's gaze was intense and yet tender, filled with longing and yet at ease. Charlie melted under the weight of it, his attention drawn to a yearning, electric sensation behind his navel. This was his person, he knew. How could he ever have doubted it? Inside, he felt the last vestiges of a wall crumble.

"I love you," said Charlie, serious now. "I've always loved you, Nick. You know that, right?"

Nick responded by pulling Charlie into a long, tight hug. "We have a lot of time to make up for," he whispered.

Charlie lingered in Nick's arms, feeling weightless, until his alarm began chiming in his pocket. The two men untangled as Charlie silenced his phone. He looked up. Nick was still smiling.


"Sure," beamed Charlie, knowing that Nick would prepare it just like he liked it. He grabbed the rest of his things from the floor and followed Nick down the hall and into the living room, taking a seat at one of the high top chairs that lined the granite island.

"I'd say let's get together again tonight," said Charlie, "but I'm literally going to be homeless in three weeks and so I think I have to start figuring that out."

"You're never going to find a place that isn't awful on such short notice," said Nick simply, his back still turned as he gathered cups and spoons from the cupboards.

"I know," groaned Charlie. "That's why I feel like I need to get on it immediately."

Nick turned around, placing the cups on the island and pouring just the right amount of milk into Charlie's. "Nah," he said, before looking up. "This place is a bit big for just me, if I'm being honest. I'm sure we can figure out something."

He smiled. Charlie smiled back.

With anyone else, the suggestion to move in together after a tryst of less than 24 hours would have been completely mad. But after everything that had happened, it almost seemed that life had been steering them both to this exact spot. Charlie knew that from this point forward, no matter what the world threw at them, they would be okay.

After all... they were Nick & Charlie.

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