Chapter One: Reunion (cont'd)

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Charlie's ankle was throbbing. Running home from that gig was probably the stupidest thing I've ever done, he thought to himself. He tried again to get comfortable in the hospital bed, but he couldn't help leaning awkwardly toward the right, shifting as much pressure as he could onto the limbs and joints that hurt least.

He should have agreed when Isaac offered to drive him back to his flat, but something in him needed to run that night. The fog was thick, but he knew he would be able to see car headlights when they approached. He hadn't counted on bicycles, though.

He glanced down at his left elbow, gently peeling away the towel he had been given by reception. Still a bloody mess. Charlie breathed out sharply, replacing the towel and looking away.

There was a momentary shuffling outside his door before a rattle above his head announced that the thin blue curtain was being pulled back. He glanced up.

Eye contact.

Charlie's cheeks flushed and his body lurched upright, reflexively gripping both side rails before his brain could process what was happening.

"N-Nick?," he stammered, immediately wincing from the pain of his abrupt shift in position.

How many years had it been? Still, he was unmistakable. Tall and muscular, blond hair tousled to one side — a bit weathered perhaps, but still absolutely gorgeous. For a moment, Charlie wondered whether he had knocked his head on the road after all.

"Hi," said Nick, softly.

Charlie slumped back against the bed as gently as he could.

"Hi," he managed.

"What happened?," Nick asked, his face a mix of worry and confusion. He stepped out from behind his wheeled workstation and used one long arm to pull an empty chair to the side of the bed. They were eye-to-eye now, and Charlie could see a few wisps of grey around Nick's temples and some shallow creases around his mouth. Charlie's gaze wandered to his lips, still perfect, and his jaw, still strong and angular.

He found that he couldn't meet Nick's eyes. "I was out for a run, and I couldn't see the bike lane in the fog. The cyclist came out of nowhere. I think she swerved when she saw me, but her front tire caught my back leg and... yeah. I tripped," he finished lamely.

"She was really nice about it, though," he added. "I hope — is she okay?"

"Stable, I think, but I can't really tell you more than that," said Nick, still staring at Charlie with concern. "Did you hit your head? Did you lose consciousness?"

"No, no, nothing like that," said Charlie. "I managed to catch myself before my head hit the ground." He stopped to clear his throat. "I guess I'm a bit beat-up otherwise, though."

Nick nodded, smiling sympathetically. He paused for a moment, and then asked, "Why were you out for a run at one o'clock in the morning?"

"I had a gig," said Charlie. "I don't know if you remember Sahar from school, but I started drumming with her band ages ago. We had carpooled in the gear van on the way to the gig and... I don't know, I just felt like running home."

Sheepishly, he finally managed to look at Nick. "Pretty dumb idea, huh?"

"Well... yeah," Nick chuckled. He ran his left hand absently up the nape of his neck before dropping it back down to his lap.

Charlie half-smiled back. No wedding band, he couldn't help but notice.

"Well, um. I have some assessment to do," said Nick, slapping his knees and standing up with a start. "Unless... um. Unless you want me to see if a different nurse is around?"

"No!," said Charlie, a little more forcefully than he intended. He tried again. "No. No, that's really okay."

A beat.

"It's good to see you."

Relief washed across Nick's face. He smiled. "It's good to see you too."

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