Drug Dealers

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⚠️Violent Chapter⚠️

Wanda's POV

I didn't sleep well last night at all, my head was running a mile a minute. I was so angry at this new wanna be 'hero'. They ruined my mission and now I'm pissed...but I have a little bigger fish to fry, so I'll leave them till after I'm done with taking out this drug trade.

All day, rage was on mind and I just started going to town on my punching bag hoping that would help, my knuckles were starting to bleed, the blood making a pool on the floor at my feet. But I didn't care, my adrenaline pumping I didn't even feel the pain.

Memories of my past started running through my head, that red and blue idiot messing me up, starting making me hit it harder and the rage of all the drug dealers who have killed kids made me shoot an energy blast at the bag, sending it flying across the room, making a decent size hole in the wall.

"Shit." I sighed, deeply breathing and looking up at the roof. I walked over to the kitchen and chugged a shit ton of water. I than used my powers and lifted the punching bag back onto its stand.

As I was staring at the hole, I heard knocking at the door. I looked at in fear. "Wanda, it's David. Just want to make sure everything is okay." David was the guy I was renting the pool house from.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit." I looked at myself, I was pouring sweat, blood was slowly dripping off my knuckles, there was pictures and writing all over the walls and now a giant hole. "One minute."

I grabbed my robe and wrapped it around myself, I wrapped away as much sweat as I could and walked right to the door. I made my powers flow around the room and sneak through the cracks into his head.

You will see nothing out of the ordinary, everything will look completely normal.

I opened the door and quickly put my hands in the pockets of my robe. David was looking at me smiling. "Hey." I smiled.

"Hey Wanda, just wanted to see if you were alright. I came outside and I heard a loud bang from inside here."

"Oh." I chuckled a little. "I tripped getting out of bed and tried to grab onto the nightstand but it fell with me. I'm so sorry. I was actually gonna come tell you about it, I can totally go buy a new one."

Man lying is like second nature to me, I mean I was trained to lie perfectly.

"Oh it's alright. But your okay right?"

"Yeah, just bumped my knee a little. But I'm okay."

"Good." He poked his head in. "Do you mind if I see the nightstand."

"Of course." I opened the door and let him in. I was studying his features and they looked normal. He wasn't surprised by anything. Thank goodness. Even though this house looked like a psychopath lived inside of it.

I led him to the bedroom and with a little more mind manipulation, he saw a 'damaged' nightstand. He bent down and ran his hand over it. "It's just a little marked, nothing to bad." He than stood up and faced me. "Nothing you need to worry about replacing. Your good." He chuckled.

"Are you sure?"


"Thank you."

He just nodded his head and we walked back towards the front door. "Have a lovely rest of your day Wanda."

"You as well David." I shut the door and I just stared at the wall...if any sane human being would see that, they would go ballistic. I took off my robe and saw my pockets were now a red colour.

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