I'm loosing what was found, a world so hollow

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5 Years Later

•Rose Hathaway•

Ugh, there goes that infernal fucking beeping again! Shouldn't I get to sleep in today of all days? It's only the graduation party later, graduation was last night. I yank the alarm and toss it hard at the wall. Blissfully the stupid fucking beeping stops. I look at my phone and groan, who in the fuck set my alarm for this early? It's only 5 am(human time) the joint graduation party isn't until five thirty pm. Guess I'll go for a run and then a workout. Okay I need to change and then eat first. I grumpily climb out of bed and stretch. I grab some clothes before heading into the bathroom. I use the restroom and wash my hands before taking the time to brush my teeth and wash my face. I then take off my clothes from yesterday and throw on a sports bra and deodorant. I then pull on a blue workout tank top and black shorts.

 I then pull on a blue workout tank top and black shorts

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I then toss my hair up in a messy French braid. Thank god for Lina's patience, like she promised she taught me how to do different braids for my hair. I slip on some socks and then slip my feet into running shoes before I lace them tightly. I grab my phone and earbuds and then head downstairs and to the kitchen.

I walk into the kitchen and see Vika sitting at the counter. "You're up early, any reason why?" I ask grabbing a water bottle out the fridge. She's dressed in a black shirt and black workout leggings. She's had black running shoes on her feet and her hair up in a bun. Her neck still looks red from the promise ceremony last night.I then grab a fruit bowl from the fridge and some left over blini from last night.

I then grab a fruit bowl from the fridge and some left over blini from last night

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"Umm maybe I'm nervous about Mama meeting Yelena again." Vika responds wringing her hands together.

I look at her confused, but Olena had met Yelena before? "Umm Vika I'm really confused here. Olena met Yelena plenty of times???" I blink in confusion before opening the food and slowly starting to eat.

"But not since we've started dating Roza!! This will be her first time meeting Lena as my girlfriend!" Vika groans putting her face in her hands.

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