The silence of this sound, is soon to follow

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•Rose Hathaway•

        I tilt my head back against the wall and moan. His lips continue their path up my neck until they reach the spot behind my ear. He nips me gently with his teeth before pressing a kiss to the same spot. "Mmm Roza, would you like me to kiss you all over and worship you like the goddess you are?" Dimitri rasps his lips touching the shell of my ear. I shudder and press my body close to his. His hands move to my hips and pin me to the wall. Dimitri's lips move to press featherlight kisses along the tops of my breasts. "I asked you a question Roza. I can't do anything until you answer me. Unless you'd prefer I stop?" Dimitri asks starting to pull away until I move my hands to his wrists and hold them in place.

      "Dimitri Belikov! Don't you dare stop!" I hiss clenching my hands around his wrists. He chuckles and continues to kiss along my breasts before moving his lips up my collarbone and pressing his body into mine while me kisses my collarbones.

       Suddenly I hear a loud beeping and I jerk out of my sleep. Ughhh there goes that stupid ass alarm clock again. I yank it up and lob it at the wall angrily. I yawn and slowly sit up and blink my eyes open. Oh fuck me, I just had a dream about Dimitri! I head into the bathroom and use the restroom and wash my hands once I'm done. I walk back into my room and throw on a black lace up sports bra after I cover up my piercings with tape. I then pull on a pair of green, black and white yoga pants and matching Nike's and lace them so they're nice and snug but not too snug. I flip my hair and part it before braiding my hair into two upside down braids before pulling them I to two space-buns and pinning them in place with a few bobby-pins. I hear a whine and I look at the bed and notice a nose sticking out of the blankets.

          "Aww Eris when did you get here? I don't remember you climbing in bed with me

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          "Aww Eris when did you get here? I don't remember you climbing in bed with me." I snort. She yips and wags her tail and leaps at me and I catch her. Suddenly another head pops out from under the blankets. "You too Hades? Wow I must've been really out of it." I snicker. He also runs and leaps at me and I catch him in my other arm. "You two are gonna be the death of me. Let's get you fed and take you to use the bathroom." I grunt and maneuver my arms and open the door and shut it behind me. I set them down and they excitedly sprint downstairs. 

         I walk down after them and chuckle when I walk into the living room. Eris and Hades decided to make a dog pile on top on Vika and Lena. "That's one way to kill the mood huh Vika." I snort. Vika scowls and flips me off. "Ooo Vika you've opened yourself up for sooo many different jokes, but I'll give you a break today. I'm going for a run, and when I get back I'll be dressed so we can go for your tattoo Lena. Be dressed by the time I get back, it won't take me long to get ready. Also feed Eris and Hades please? As well as let them out?" I ask heading into  the kitchen and grabbing my water bottle.

               They agree and I wave before heading to the front door. I plug my earbuds into my phone and shuffle my playlist. I lock the door and set out at a slow jog while 'Rumors' by 'Neffex' plays. I really wish I could be mad at what happened yesterday but I can't. It's not like I didn't expect to run into Dimitri at some point since I stay with his sister but did it have to be like that? God must really hate me.

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