ɪs ᴛʜɪs ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ?) Red x Non-binary! Reader

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Requested by: @ISnatchedUrWeave


"Would you like some sugar for your tea?"

"Yes please."


"Oh looks like they've finished finding the food packets." Red said as he looked over to the computer where it showed the people red kidnapped. "Hmm, let's see how many people died." Y/N said as them and red got up to see how many people died by blue and green.
When night two started they took to long and you guys where getting board so you decided to make some tea to pass the time.
"Looks like only three of them died." Red said looking over at Y/N. "Huh, I must say I was expecting more to die a gruesome death." Y/N said calmly. " I agree with you." Then both of their eyes widened orange left his hideout. "That's a surprise, orange left his cave." Red said through the speakers to the players. "Maybe he smelled the food." You said through the speakers to.


You know, when Red spared me and I became his assistant. I never knew it could be this much fun. Even though I never knew why he spared me (A/N: it's cuz he loves ya you idiot) but I do love doing all the weird Science things and experiments. But the best thing is that he lets me help with "killing" people.
I watched someone scream in horror as green was slamming them on the floor until they weren't breathing any longer. "Well that's unfortunate." Red said with sarcasm I just snickered in return. Then we heard alarms, orange. "Looks like someone forgot to feed orange!" Red said through the speakers. Someone was unfortunate enough to be right in oranges hideout, I then watch orange rip apart their flesh. "Gruesome." I said with no emotion.
I then felt a bit of weight on my shoulder I look over to see red putting his head on my shoulder.
'That's new...' I thought...he never does that. But I didn't say anything, I just blushed a bit but that's it.
'We're just friends after all...right?'


'....what are these feelings..'

I didn't know why I spared them. But I'm really happy I did. I mean it does kinda get lonely in my lab/office and it's good to have a little help.
Why do I feel like I'm getting butterflies whenever I'm near them?

Is this what love feels like?

No it can't be, after all their just my assistant and friend!

But I can't stop imagining us being more....


What is this curse....

Is this really love?...

Rainbow friends x reader one shots 💀 discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now