Cake!) orange + mother figure! Reader

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Requested by: @justasimpdontmindme1

This is kinda short btw


"Why are these food bags so heavy?" I asked myself. I opened the door to oranges hideout, I walked and put the food in the machine. I saw orange look at me, "mom!" He then jumped down and hugged me, "hi orange!" I said while kneeling down to hug him back.
I picked up orange, " I actually found out how to make cake, you wanna try it?" You said "I don't know what that is but yeah!" I stared walking to the kitchen area(ik the factory doesn't have a kitchen area but for the sake of this story pretend it does).

꧁time skip꧂

" now all we have to do is wait for the cake to bake." I said to orange putting my hands on my hips. I then thought of an idea, " how about we play tag while we wait?" I said "YES YES YES!!" Orange said he then touched me and said "tag! You it!" He then started running. "HEY COME BACK HERE!"
We then played tag for a 30 min and when we got back the cake was done. I pulled the cake out put it on a plate and frosted it with oranges help. "Okay now we can eat the cake." I took a piece for myself because i knew orange would just eat in one whole bite and he did.

꧁another time skip꧂

I put the blanket over orange and started walking out of the room until "night mom!" I turned around and said "night orange." I then left the room.

Rainbow friends x reader one shots 💀 discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now