New Attitude Pt 1

15 2 0

August 18th, 2013

Morrigan's POV

Leaving the house that morning was easy, riding through traffic was another mess entirely, but I wanted to make a statement. After going to our usual stops we headed to school running a little bit behind than usual due to the attention the bike was getting. I wore my grandfather's old leather bomber jacket that he had worn during the war while he rode, the gloves were also his, but well worn. I could still smell my grandfather's coffee scent though it had been years. Pulling into a parking space we covered the bike and took our goodies and headed inside "You're late," Alexios my cousin said

"Sorry cousin, there was an accident on the way here after we stopped for coffee," I said holding out the peace offering

"Now I know who has been leaving coffee at our desk," Kassandra said with a chuckle, "Get these delivered to everyone then go right to class."

"Yes, Kassie," I said.

Alexios snickered as Kassandra gave me a look that promised trouble later. We hit up the library first Sophia was actually grateful that it was us that brought her coffee each day "Morrigan, what are you wearing?" Sophia asked

"The jacket belonged to my grandfather, he wore it in World War II, as are the gloves, but since I got my motorcycle license I figured that it was time for a change to let the mean girls know I am not the one they want to push around," I said removing my jacket.

Sophia looked at me in shock "Is that what you have kept hidden?"

"I burn through a lot of food, and it turns into muscle," I replied

"I can see that, you look like one of those female gladiators of ancient Greece or Rome, thank you girls for the coffee and the pastry," Sophia said.

We stopped by Evie and Jacobs's class "Delivery ran late today," Christina said, "Suprise we are the coffee and pastry faries!""

Everyone in the class laughed at that "Jacob your coffee," Christina said, "And your coffee cake,"

"Thanks, Luv you two are a lifesaver," Jacob said

"Thank you dears," Evie said as I handed her the tea and cinnamon twist

"Your welcome," I said before leaving to head to the next class.

Many of the teachers were shocked to see that it was Christina and I that were bringing them coffee and snacks each day. Even Mr. Cormac was thankful for the destruction. We had one left and that was Mr. Dorian's coffee...Arno's coffee. It was a French roast that Arno loved, and it made me happy seeing him drink it during class "Asseyez-vous les filles, vous me verrez après l'école parce que je suis en retard pour mon cours." Mr. Dorian said not looking away from the board as he finished writing what our assignment was for the day. (Have a seat girls, you will be seeing me after school about being late for my class.)

I placed his coffee on his desk and his pastry and took a seat at my desk, I was depressed that we had made him upset with us. Christina looked at me worriedly "Are you alright?" she asked lowly

I shook my head "Awe is the freak going to cry?" the girl behind me asked.

I felt my depression turn to anger as I got out of my seat and grabbed the girl by her hair "J'en ai marre et j'en ai marre que toi et tes putains d'amis pensiez que vous pouvez m'intimider parce que je suis différent ! Tu es juste énervé parce que je suis plus beau à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur contrairement à toi qui es aussi moche qu'un cul de rhinocéros." I said in French loud enough for everyone including Mr. Dorian to hear. (I am sick and fucking tired of you and your fucking friends thinking you can bully me because I am different! You are just pissy because I am more beautiful on the inside and out unlike you who are as ugly as a rhino's ass.)

Assassin's Creed: Project Lycan (OC x Arno Dorian) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now