Did anyone have Flying Cauldrons on their Bingo Card?

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Morrigan's POV

Denice Wilkinson had been the man that Dupree sent to spy on Nyx and Rhi. The man was a fucking crack head and I knew it would be trouble. I was going to go intimidate him as well as get his scent while I was at it, I was going to shadow this fucking creep if it was the last thing I did especially after Ryan brought me that second letter that had even Malik, Altair, and Desmond up in arms. I also would be posting to the doors the notice of temporary longings so the building could be renovated. As well as deal with the fucking landlord, come to find out the son of a bitch had been skiing money. He would send half to Ryan and the other half instead of using for the building's upkeep it was being used for hookers and other things that should not be happening. This fucker violated his contract and big time.

What I wasn't expecting was the show that I was now seeing. Rhi and Fiadh were screaming at each other and throwing...cauldrons.

I blinked owlishly and pulled out my phone to record the entire damn thing "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Rhi screamed, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?"


Malik, Desmond, and Altair were trying their hardest not to laugh at the two idiots who apparently forgot Newton's laws of Physics. Rhi was laying halfway out of the fucking window and halfway on the deplorable fire escape armed with small cauldrons and spamming them like a noob at COD would spam grenades. I was highly amused, to say the least. That was until Newton's laws of Physics kicked in and Fiadh landed on top of Rhi.

I could hear Nyx "What the fuck happened?" Nyx asked, "Why are you even here Fiadh?"

"You guys needed protection," Fiadh defended

"Wow, thanks having your entire body land on me really protected me from the bugs, you're so helpful," Rhi sassed, "Fiadh here decided to start making noises on the roof which made me panic cause I thought it was the stalker guy, after those creepy ass letters this morning. So I started throwing the cauldrons up there to hit him but they went halfway up and came back down and smacked me in the face,"

Thank goodness my phone was able to pick up this audio since it had a built-in listening device "And you didn't remember, oh, I don't know, Gravity?" Nyx sassed back, "You know, the thing that's HOLDING YOU TO THE GROUND?!"

I could hear someone snicker and I blinked. I knew that snicker, that was Ezio "Look I forgot about gravity okay, I heard strange fucking noises on the roof and panicked." Rhi said.

No fucking shit did you panic Rhi Lynx, but you also gave such an entertaining show at the same time that I couldn't help but record for Black Mail purposes on Faidh down the road if needed "I honestly thought it was going to work, you know I can only come up with the first half of the plan but not the last part." Rhi added.

I snorted at that "My coven members are a bunch of idiots. Ezio, can you call Connor and Shay and have them meet us at the hospital and then help me carry these two to your car," Nyx asked.

Oh-ho boy Fiadh did not like hospitals. She hated them with a fucking passion. I could see Fiadh squirm frantically as Ezio picked her up and held her tightly while Nyx grabbed Rhi "DO NOT TAKE ME TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL!" Fiadh screeched, "I HATE THE HOSPITAL PLEASE DON'T TAKE ME THERE!"

I began to shake with laughter "Oh, well, you guys should have thought about that before throwing cauldrons at each other now suck it up and deal with it," Nyx said.

I could just imagine the hell Ezio was getting from Fiadh as I ended the recording and dealt with Denice Wilkinson. Speak of the devil and he shall appear "Denice Wilkinson," I said

Assassin's Creed: Project Lycan (OC x Arno Dorian) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now