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Ju Haknyeon was a simple college professor who lived and worked in New York his whole life. His family had migrated from Korea and yet, Haknyeon himself has never been to the country his family was originally from. Not once.

Although you could say that he has been Americanized in all ways possible, you can not deny that he was still someone that his parents were very proud of. Being a professor who teaches Law in one of New York's best law schools was an achievement.

There was one thing in his life that made everything complete- his loving boyfriend. Haknyeon met his boyfriend when he was applying for a job in NYU as a Law professor. They bumped into each other by chance but they stayed together by will.

His boyfriend was at the campus, about to take his final exam as a business student, when he bumped into Haknyeon, who was on the way to the main office to apply for a job. From then on, it was love at first sight really.

(A/N: Before you ask, no- this is not a Teacher x Student kind of trope. Haknyeon just graduated and is now applying for a job while his boyfriend was graduating already)

They started talking regularly until inevitably, they started to date. The moment they made it official was one of the happiest moments of Haknyeon's life. It was right next to the moment his mother and best friend approved of his boyfriend.

Haknyeon's mother became a widower right after the Ju family migrated. Haknyeon's father died due to a sickness and now it was just Haknyeon and his mother. Thankfully he had his best friend, Eric to keep him and his mother company.

Eric wasn't just his best friend anymore. He was like Mrs. Ju's second son and Haknyeon's younger brother. Eric was a bit hard on Haknyeon's boyfriend at first but he soon learned to warm up to him and even become close friends with him.

Although Haknyeon introduced his boyfriend to the two most important people in his life, he was yet to hear anything about the family that raised his boyfriend. Whenever he tried to bring it up, his boyfriend would just change the topic. A red flag really but Haknyeon was color blind.

The only person he knew from his boyfriend's family was his best friend and almost brother- just like Eric and him. "Heo Hyunjun. That's his name." His boyfriend says, showing Haknyeon a picture of him and his best friend. "He's like a brother to me."

Haknyeon smiled as his boyfriend talked about Hyunjun. You could tell how close they were and how proud he was of his best friend for everything they achieved. "Anyone else? I want to know more about your family." Haknyeon asks, hoping he'd finally get answers.

His boyfriend pursed his lips. "Well.. My family isn't really important but- I can show you my favorite girl cousin!" With that, he searched for a photo on his phone. "This is Janghee but she prefers to be called Astrid. Lovely girl, both kind and pretty."

Haknyeon gasps at the beauty of his boyfriend's cousin. She had clear glowing skin, a light complexion, a petite but tall built, and her face was a dream. She looked like every straight man's guilty pleasure. "She's not married, which is great."

"Aroace, that's why." His boyfriend explains. "She has her own jewelry company and has quite the amount of money but always takes time to donate to the needy and help those who need it. She was my idol when I was younger."

Haknyeon was getting more and more impressed by the second. "How about siblings? Your other cousins? What about parents? Your other family members?" Haknyeon asked but as expected, received no answers.

His boyfriend doesn't like talking about his family and it was time that he finally stopped pestering him about it. Learning about Hyunjun and Astrid was already too much information and Haknyeon was thankful to at least know that much.

It seemed like a fair game, to be honest. Haknyeon introduces him to two of the most important people and so, Haknyeon learns about two people as well. Haknyeon stopped asking and just went on with his life. He'll open up at the right time.

It may seem like a toxic relationship but his boyfriend makes up for the lack of information with dates and just caring for Haknyeon in general. They'd meet before and after Haknyeon's lectures and always made sure he ate.

These gestures made Haknyeon's heart flutter. Haknyeon was sure that even if they had their secrets, this was the man he saw a future with. This was the man he was willing to spend the rest of his life with. This was the man he wanted for himself. This was the man he loved.

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