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Astrid's lesson began with a small history background on their family. It began with how the Kim dynasty was formed and how it branched out to different families. From the Kims, in came the Lees, then the Chois, then some other families no one cares about.

With this being said, it isn't some kind of incest bred family where everyone was related. This just meant that the Kims branched out and became partners with all of these other rich chaebol families. This happened through either marriage or business partnering.

In the case of Sunwoo and his cousins though, Sangyeon and Juyeon's mother, Chanhee and Janghee's mother, and Younghoon and Sunwoo's father are siblings. The two girls married the Lee and Choi monarchs, respectively.

Ultimately since Sunwoo's father was the only son, the dynasty fell onto his shoulders. Being from the main branch of the dynasty, having heirs was important to them. Thankfully, they were able to produce not one, but two male heirs.

"You understand why Sunwoo is very important to us, don't you?" Haknyeon nodded. He was important to a lot more people than the boy thought. "Not only is he the 2nd heir, he is also the youngest. We're very overprotective of him."

For good reason. "Is that all for this history lesson?" Haknyeon asks. Astrid nodded but that wasn't the end of the lesson. "I need to prepare you for my family... Especially for the parents." The tone of Astrid's voice made Haknyeon anxious.

"I'm giving you a warning now, not to scare you off, but to prepare you. Hyunjae hyung, Younghoon hyung's boyfriend, barely survived meeting with my Uncle and Auntie.. And his family has quite a high standing compared to most people."

"That isn't supposed to scare me off?" Janghee raised her arms in surrender. "Look, I know it's scary." Terrifying, Haknyeon wanted to say. "But you love Sunwoo, I know it. Are you going to let his parents scare you from loving him?"

The logical part of Haknyeon was screaming yes but his heart was telling him to not let his boyfriend's scary asian parents scare him. "Tell me what to expect from them." He says determinedly. Janghee was even more impressed by the boy now.

"Uncle and Auntie are very strict, Auntie more than Uncle if I'm being honest. They do want the best for their kids but... They could be very overbearing and overwhelming at times. They wouldn't accept just anyone into the family."

"Auntie Kim came from a rich family in the north, close to the South and North border. She and Uncle fell in love when he went up north to make more business deals for the current Kim monarch who was his father. They got married and had the two Kim heirs."

"Love at first sight, our grandparents would say. I disagree. I know how our family works and marriage out of love usually doesn't happen. That's why when Younghoon hyung and Jaehyun hyung started dating, we were so happy when they didn't give up their love."

"Auntie wants what is best for not only her boys, but for herself. I know her- we all know her. She would disguise her worry as love for her sons when in reality, it was fear for her status in life. She cares more for her status than her kids."

"I know this sounds controversial and all of that but trust me on this. Auntie would give you a very hard time because you will never be good enough for her youngest son. If a person is not good enough for her kids, it would reflect badly on her."

"Uncle on the other hand... Is strict; he never laughs. Nothing ever seems good enough for him. Younghoon hyung and Sunwoo tried to make him proud but... it never seems to work. They stopped trying to please him after years but I know they still wish to make him happy."

"If Uncle tells them to jump into the ocean from a cliff, I have no doubts that they would probably do it even though they deny wanting to please him. It may not be obvious to them but they still have the lingering feeling of wanting to please him."

"To put things simply," Astrid sighs. "Your boyfriend's parents are difficult to please, both for two different reasons. They aren't abusive but... everyone is wary of them." Haknyeon was now even more anxious than before.

He not only has to make a good first impression with Sunwoo's cousins, but his parents too are hard to please. Haknyeon suddenly became self conscious of his status in life and his family. There was nothing significant in becoming a professor.

He knows that Sunwoo's parents are going to pull a I'll give you 1 million dollars if you leave my son on him. "I'm dead. I'm so dead." Haknyeon mutters over and over again like a mantra. Astrid placed a hand on his shoulder and rubbed it comfortingly.

"Us cousins aren't hard to please as all we care about is that you and our baby cousin love each other. We're here to help you for the moment you confront the demon parents." She says this in a joking tone, hoping it would light up the mood.

Janghee even added horns on her head when she mentioned the demon parents. This thankfully succeeded in making Haknyeon laugh. "Make sure your schedule is free tomorrow. Don't plane any dates with my baby cousin just yet."

Haknyeon stared at the older in confusion. "Why?" "I'm going to help you, of course!" How much more help does he need? "I'm going to give you a full on transformation~ As well as introduce you little by little to the rest of us."

If the boy was drinking water, he would have spit it all out on Janghee or at least choked on it. "Intro- you- they- all?!" Haknyeon couldn't even form a proper sentence. That made the girl laugh really loudly. "Don't worry. They'll like you a lot."

A/N: This feels like a filler chapter not going to lie 😀

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