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Haknyeon woke up in a fancy hotel room with his boyfriend beside him. What more could he ask for? "Get up! There's free breakfast with Korean food downstairs!" Eric barges into the couple's room and exclaims, not caring to see if they were ready or not.

Haknyeon jumped in his place and Sunwoo literally fell of the bed in shock. "Eric!" Both boys exclaimed but Eric didn't look at all guilty. "Hurry up! Hyunjun and Yoojun are also here waiting for the both of you." Eric says before leaving the room.

"Guess we have to get ready?" Sunwoo nods but groans as he looked at his phone. "Anything wrong?" "It seems like people have caught wind of me being back in the country of the wedding.. My cousins and brother are so going to kill me."

Haknyeon laughs at Sunwoo's demise. But that got him thinking.. How did they find out? Did Hyunjun or Yoojun tell them? No, they said they wouldn't because they wanted to make them jealous for meeting up with them first.

Haknyeon knows he just met the couple but he had this feeling that he could trust them. If it wasn't them.. Who could it be? He wasn't about to ask his boyfriend if he knew who told on them to his family. It shouldn't even matter.

"Let's go, Eric must be waiting." Haknyeon nodded and got his bag before leaving the room with his boyfriend. When they got down, Eric was already waiting with the engaged couple in the lobby of the hotel. They looked deep in a conversation.

Well, Hyunjun and Eric sure are in deep with their conversation. Yoojun on the other hand was just standing there, nodding at everything they said. "Did you guys wait long?" Sunwoo slung his arm over his best friend's shoulder and leaned on him.

As Hyunjun tried to push Sunwoo's arm off of him, Yoojun answered. "A bit. Eric has been complaining about the food looking tasty but not being able to eat it until you two came down." Just as Yoonjun said, Eric looked like he was going to die of hunger.

If only Haknyeon wasn't hungry as well and excited to try Korean food, he would have been laughing at Eric's face. "Table for 5." Hyunjun says. The waitress nodded and lead them to a table that fit all of them. It was isolated but close to the buffet.

"This is a all you can eat buffet. Don't worry about the price." Hyunjun tells them. Eric looked like he died and went to heaven while Haknyeon looked shocked. How much did they pay for the rooms and the free breakfast in this hotel?

The group began to talk more about the wedding and their plans on what they wanted to do for the day and their whole stay in Korea. "We're planning on meeting up with an old friend of ours that move to the country." Haknyeon tells them.

"Who's this friend? Perhaps we know them?" Yoojun suddenly asks. The boy swallowed his food first before answering, "His name is Kevin Moon. Or Moon Hyungseo since he's also Korean." "He's an artist!" Eric adds. The 3 pure Koreans looked impressed.

"I think I've heard of him." Hyunjun stops to remember and nods once he remembers where he's heard of Kevin's name. "He worked on one of the art pieces at the Grand Plaza." The two American-Koreans were impressed with their friend.

(A/N: Haknyeon is counted as American-Korean in this story since he migrated to the country at a young age, is Americanized, and works in the country + has an American visa)

"Want us to drop you two off at his place?" The couple offers. "We can drive you two." They shook their heads. "We can find a taxi to bring us." Haknyeon kindly rejects the offer. "Besides, we know enough Korean to get us by... Hopefully."

Everyone laughs and continues to talk. "I'm going to visit the hyungs.. I have to explain myself to them." Sunwoo groans. "Come with me~" He whines, clutching onto Hyunjun's arm. The boy looked disturbed while his fiancé looked like he wanted to die laughing.

Hyunjun struggled to get Sunwoo off of his arm, but once he did, Sunwoo started sulking off on Haknyeon's arm. Haknyeon laughed and just patted his boyfriend's head. "Good gods! Make me feel single, yeah?" Eric mutters. This made everyone laugh.

It was a miracle that they weren't kicked out yet for being too loud and disruptive. It could be because of how high of a standing Sunwoo's family is but Haknyeon was not about to think of the technicalities. "Don't worry, Haknyeon-ah." Hyunjun says.

"We'll return your boyfriend in one piece." "Hopefully." Yoojun added. Sunwoo let out a strangled scream as he gets dragged away by his best friend and his fiancé. Haknyeon watched the scene with Eric, both laughing the entire time.

"Let's go!" Eric held out a hand for his best friend and dragged him to wherever they could find a taxi. It took a while but, the two were able to find a taxi that could bring them to Kevin's house. "Thank you!" The two boys thanked the driver and paid.

Haknyeon and Eric were dropped off in front of a big house- a mansion actually. It had tall gates and two pillars that looked like something out of Greece. "MOON HYUNGSEO!" The two exclaim loud enough for whoever was inside to hear.

Crashes and bangs could be heard inside the house before the front doors opened, revealing Kevin Moon in all of his glory. "HAKNYEON! ERIC!" He squealed. The other two squealed as well and ran to hug their old friend. "I can't believe you're here!"

"I can't believe it too actually." Haknyeon laughs. "Come in! Come in! I want you two to meet someone AND we can catch up inside. I have a LOT to tell you both." Kevin grabbed both of their arms and dragged them inside his home in Korea.

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