The Flight

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Nino groaned as he woke up to blurry eyes, seeing brightness wherever his eyes went and after a minute he realised he was on a plane?.

He groaned again before his eyes fell on Ali, who was reading a newspaper.

"Good, Your Awake. How are you feeling, Nino?" Ali asked as he put the Newspaper down and looked at Nino.

"I feel drugged." Nino said, very cheekily.

Ali chuckled, "Trust me, you get used to the feeling"

Nino looked around, seeing he was already airborne. "Where are we?"

"On flight 125. I'm taking you to Tibet." Ali answered.

"Why? Does Mama know?" Nino asked.

"Yes, Layla knows, She was happy with it.  But that Clark guy is a bad person. Nikolas knows him and I do."


"He was once following me and Nikolas when we were both out on Patrol. He hurt Nikolas but he is fine now as well. Clark was after me and Nikolas went between us to try and protect me." Ali explained, looking down at times before focusing his gaze on Nino once more.

"I am taking you with me to protect you. But if you have any other dreams of this? I need you to tell me straight away. Promise me?"

Nino nodded "Okay but papa.."

Ali simply waited patiently, "Yes?"

"Um nevermind" Nino quickly said, remembering what the man had said.

Ali gave him a look of concern, "Are you sure? You seem a bit out of breath?"

"I'm.. I'm..fine" Nino panted only for Ali to wrap an arm around him and pull him closer.

"Did something happen?"

"He said I couldn't say if I wanted you and Nicholas to stay safe." Nino whimpered.

"Son, look at me" Ali gently lifted Nino's chin "I will be alright! Nicholas will be alright! We can't protect you if you don't tell me anything though."

Nino simply laid his head against Ali's chest. "I'm scared papa" he said in a broken and scared voice.

He heard Ali sigh deeply, "I know Nino, I am scared too but I need to know what he said to you"

"He said..." Nino couldn't finish due to whimpering.

"Hey, it's okay" Ali reassured him.

"He said, that cause he knew you and Nicholas it would be easier to take you out. And all I could do in the dream was watch. I couldn't move or speak and you and Nicholas were begging me to do something but.." Nino trailed off, suddenly crying.

Ali held him tighter. "It's okay. We're both still alive"

Nino whimpered "The dream was so real."

Ali nodded. "Dreams or visions are like that. They feel too real. And it's scary but you have to remember that unless you are stuck in a bad dream then you can move." Ali said and he felt Nino relax more into him. But a thought came to his mind instead, 'Or someone or something was holding him back.' he thought worriedly.

Eventually, Nino's heavy breaths faded into light snoring, but Ali couldn't bring himself to rest. Not yet.

"Sir, would you like anything?" A very nice stewardess asked, smiling brightly.

"Just some coke please?"

"Of course sir, here you go." The stewardess said nicely as she handed him two cokes.

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