Something Different

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Nino groaned, shifting onto his other side, feeling something firm under him, gently brushing his hair out of his face.

"Nino? Are you awake?" Ali's soft voice said.


"Your awake?" Ali asked again.

Nino realized he was sleeping on top of Ali's chest, his right arm resting under his aching head, legs feeling like jelly.

"Dad?" He asked, voice and throat hurting from just speaking.

"You okay?" Ali said, slowly sitting up, making Nino sit against him.

"Tired.." Nino said, trialing off. Hands rubbing his sore and aching throat.

Ali reached over and got a glass of water.

"Here. You sound like death decided to throw a party and you barely made it out alive." Ali snorted.

Nino drank the water greedily, "I feel like that." He weakly chuckled.

Nino shivered, pulling the blanket further against himself. Still sitting  against Ali's warm chest.

Ali quickly took of his jacket and wrapped it around Nino, feeling Nino un-tense.


"Yeah." Nino said, keeping the jacket wrapped firmly around him.

"Can I get Nikolas?" Ali chuckled at Nino's tight grip.

"In a minute. I'm really comfy." Nino mumbled.

Ali chuckled again, grabbing his phone and calling Nicholas instead, his phone rang a few times.

"Dad?" A voice groaned out.

"Hi, Nikolas," Ali chuckled, "did you sleep the drugs off?"

"Wyan owes me. I feel like crap." Nicholas grumbled then chuckled, "I'm still a little high."

Ali chuckled, "Clearly."

"What did you need?" Nicholas asked.

"Just wanted to check on you. Also Nino is with me. Say Hi Nino." Ali chuckled.

"Hi Nickie." Nino said, tiredly.

"Is he also on drugs?" Nicholas chuckled.

"Yep. You both are." Ali laughed.

"I'm almost off it." Nicholas defended.

"I know but yesterday you were very high." Ali said.

"That vas yesterday..." Nicholas trailed off, struggling to keep up.

"Apparently you speak like witches now as well," Ali laughed "How are you and Kat? Are you dating?"

"Dad!" Nicholas said. Voice barley heard over Ali's laughter.

"But yes we're alright. She's been watching me. And... Kat wants to speak to you." Nicholas said and handed the phone over.

"Hello, Mr. Lahiffe." Kat's soft voice spoke from his phone.

"Hello, dear, have you kept Nicholas in his bed? He hasn't attended any meeting or anything right?" Ali asked.

"Yep. He's been in bed healing throughout the last two days. He isn't happy though." Kat chuckled.

"Makes sense. He has issues staying sat still." Ali chuckled.

"I'm a Guardian. I have to attend at least one meeting." Nicholas's voice spoke again.

"Am I on speaker?" Ali laughed.

"Yep." Nicholas said.

"Okay. And Nikolas if I hear from Kat saying you snuck out and went to a meeting. I'll smack you on the head and restrain you to the bed. Understood?"

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