4 months later
2 weeks before
February 27
Ezio's Pov
Emilio and I decided that we would go down to the warehouse to check on things and Rage said we should come down to discuss business.
Since the kids were in classes and our women were just gossiping, we said why not.
I opened the door and got in the passenger seat and Emilio in the driver's seat.
We began driving.
" I'm so clueless on what to do for Isabella's birthday "
" When is it? " he asked.
" Two weeks from now " I said.
" How about a trip to Bora Bora? " he said.
" That's actually not a bad idea. Thanks brother " I said to him.
" No that's a bad idea " I said then slapped my forehead.
" What? " Emilio said as he stopped the car.
" I'm paranoid as fuck about leaving my kids " I said as we opened the door.
" Then just leave them " he said and we got out of the car.
" They'll be safe on the property. I'll make sure of it " Emilio said.
" I'll think about it " I said.
We walked up to the door and I scanned my hand on the censor and the doors opened.
We walked to the main room where everyone was working.
" Hi everyone " Emilio said in a cheery tone.
We heard sighs.
" Why are you guys here? " Rage asked.
" Because we work here? " Emilio said.
" Please leave. You guys need to be with your families " Rage said.
" Are you forgetting that you invited us here to discuss something? " I said.
" Oh yeah " Rage said.
" So everyone pause for a bit " he said and everyone turned in their chairs.
" Okay so I was thinking. Look at Jason. Big strong guy right? " Rage said.
" Yeah and? " I asked as I folded my arms.
" What if we turned our prisoners into troops? " he said.
" Think about it " Rage said.
" There's nothing to think about. These guys are like mini non powerful enemies to us. We can't trust them " I said.
" Yes and Luna and I thought about that " he said as he walked over to a safe.
He put in the combinations on the safe and it opened.
He took out this glass box.
" What's that? " Emilio asked.
" Luna elaborate " Rage said and Luna stood up.
I watched as she took the box.
" This is a little bomb, I designed. It's supposed to be worn around the ankle. " Luna said.
" And this little button here controls the bomb. If I press this button it will blow up. " Rage said.
" What if they take it off? " Emilio asked.
RomanceI don't remember what I wrote so... one day a man met a woman and they did stuff and stuff... Fuck it I can't describe the book🙄. Just fucking read it hoe😃😔💙🤍