Peace Reigns in New Orleans

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Alexander's POV

After the guy ticked off my name, the other guards opened the door for me and I immediately spot Ezio Diaz.

His red suit made him stand out.

I stood in the middle of the Ball room.

I looked up from beneath my hat and I saw my men in position.

I walked over to the stairs.

I pulled out my gun and fired three shots at the Chandelier above the dance floor.

The Chandelier fell from the ceiling and broke into pieces.

Then the place went completely dark.

Ezio's POV

I heard the screams of women and children as the place went completely dark.

I heard a high pitch scream and I knew that was my daughter.

I quickly got up even though I couldn't see anything. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and before I could turn it on it was snatched from my hands.

My reflexes kicked in and I grabbed the person that snatched my phone.

I felt some more people grab me. Someone kicked my leg and I was now on the floor.

I felt two other people holding my arms.

" He's down Boss " someone yelled.

" The lights " I heard someone yell and the lights came on.

The place got loud and chaotic as people tried to leave the building but masked men blocked them in.

I looked around the room looking for my family. It was hard to find them since the place was still packed with other people.

" SILENCE " a guy in a hat and black suit yelled and the place went silent.

" Please take your seats " the guy said and everyone sat down.

The 4 masked men had a grip on me and they forced me to sit down.

" You are all about to witness the death of Ezio Diaz. Child abductor. " he yelled.

I watched as he walked over to me but I couldn't see his face.

He took a seat across from me.

" I waited a long time for this " he said to me.

" Let him go " he said to his men. I felt their grip release off me.

" Where is my family? " I asked.

" Up........there " he said as he pointed to the stairs.

I watched as armed masked men had a grip on each of them with guns to their heads.

Isabella was sitting on the rails with her legs swung over as two guys held her.

I didn't see the kids.

I tried to get up but the 4 guys pushed me back down in my seat.

" Not so fast pretty boy. If you so much as try anything funny, lady in red gets thrown over " he said.

" Who are you? " I asked.

" Alexander. Alexander Smith " he said.

He took the hat off and I saw his face. He was quite not bad looking, he had nice cheek bones and blonde hair. He was tall around 6'5.

" You look young, I wasn't expecting a young person. " I said.

" Really, I'm 35. You look good too, big fan of your body " he said and we both nod.

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