Chapter 2 ♪ Fire and Ice

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"Ai, it sure will be a long trek to get here.." she breathed out a short sigh as the pair stood in front of the large structure.

"Haha, I can tell you're not huge on walking." the male teased.

The girl pouted at him dramatically, "Hmph. Rude of you to assume, captain."

"Aw, don't give me that look.." he chuckled. "I don't mind carrying you back to the city."

"Keep that smugness in the bedroom Captain Kaeya, though I appreciate the offer." she crossed her arm and looked away from the man.

He simply smirked before walking ahead and pushing the door open, the large stone gate flew open, creating a creaking noise as it's been a quite a long time since it's been opened, and judging by the interior, it's quite obvious as through the doorway lies a long dingy hallway.

Kaeya scanned the perimeter before stepping inside the domain, offering a hand to her without looking back. She grabbed his hand as he pulled her inside, the door closing behind her.

"I wouldn't be surprised if this whole thing is a trick for you to kill me." the girl mused, releasing herself from his grip.

"That would be an inefficient method, they'll find your body too easily." he remarked as the two glanced around them.

Just then, a strange grumble and indescifrable noise from deep within the domain. Kaeya formed his blade in his hand as he placed his arms in front of her.

"Stay behind me. We don't know what is lurking in there..'' he states cautiously.

Elysia simply giggled, materialising her bow in her hand and spun it around before gripping it firmly. "Don't underestimate a lady of class, Captain.. You saw what i'm capable to do~"

She then walked past his arm as she strutted away from him, he sped up and caught up to her as they walked up to a balcony-like area, looking down on a shallowly flooded room.

Kaeya looked up and ahead and beckoned, "Hmm. If I'm not mistaken, the end of the temple should be up there."

"Looks like we have a couple of obstacles in our way then.." she kneeled down by the edge of the platform and looked down upon the wet surface with hilichurls wandering around it.

"I wouldn't call hilichurls an obstacle.." he quipped with a confident shrug before plunging down to the water and charging at the group of hilichurls at full speed.

The girl sighed in amusement as the man swung his blade towards one and sent a swift blow to another, he rolled down to evade a bat coming his way before using the water to his advantage by sending a kick to it, sending it crashing to the water and freezing it in place.

"Hm." he was about to stand up when he narrowly avoided one swinging its bat on him before getting hit by her arrow and turning it into a crystal.

Kaeya glanced back at the girl on top of the platform as she stood up, jumping on her crystalite platform and landing perfectly on her feet.

"Trying not to get wet, Miss Elysia?"

"These boots are water-proof, I would rather not get tricked into getting frozen by you." she sent him a small smirk as she brushed by him. "Don't get too cocky yet, Captain. We're just getting started~"

Aside from their mini banters, they didn't face much issues in the first few minutes inside the domain, simply a few hilichurls and hydro slimes. And upon getting past a strange fire-breathing contraption, they reached a dead end.

"Looks like the path ends here.." the man looked around and spotted a wind current up against a wall. "Do you happen to have a windglider?" he turned to her and asked.

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