The School of Dreams U.A!

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A/n: The following is a fan fiction is well fanbased I don't own anything except my own ideas. Hope y'all enjoy.

We hear phone blasting some music for a few seconds before a large black hand with sockets pointing out of it presses down on the phone turning it off before groaning was heard.

A big blanket was then lifted off of an equally large bed as our main man Y/n is seen groggily getting up from bed with his tendrils tangled.

Y/n: Stay up and make Jesus Walks I said, *Yawns* it'll be easy I says.

His mumbling came to an end once he saw it was 6:00 AM making him just let out another yawn while walking around of his cluttered room. Y/n then opened his closet that had a boondocks poster and one of Kana-Boon before grabbing his oversized black uniform.

Y/n then turned around and bumped his head on the ceiling fan causing the Mutated Quirk User to let out a groan while rubbing his head.

Y/n: Told 'em to lower this thing but nope still gotta bust my head on it. *He muttered to himself*

He then started to put on his uniform from middle school before Y/n side stepped in front of a mirror and buttoned up his buttons while humming to himself.

When he got down buttoning the last one Y/n looked himself up close before licking his finger rubbing a crud off the side of his mouth.

Y/n: Not bad looking for a first day. *He said chuckling to himself*

Y/n then did the finger guns as sparks of electricity came from his sockets as he snapped before walking out of his messy room and into the hallway while knocking on a door that has a sign that says: Stay out.

Y/n: Kyo it's time to get up.

He stood there for a few seconds before knocking again.

Y/n: Hey wake up Kyo!

Y/n heard an annoyed groan in the room causing him to sigh and get a smirk before knocking again.

Y/n: Wake up Kyo! Cute, cute Kyo-Chan! Lovely, lovely Kyo-Ch-

He didn't finish as a boot was thrown into his face before it slid down revealing Y/n's imprinted smirking face. The 15 year old boy looked down at his annoyed sister causing his smirk to grow.

Y/n: So your finally up eh~?

Kyouka: You didn't have to do that. *She said frowning*

Y/n: But I thought you liked that~?

Kyouka: Yeah maybe as kids but it's embarrassing now. *She said blushing while crossing her arms*

He then walked over towards their shared bathroom while walking over to his side of the sink. Y/n lowered his head while grabbing his large toothbrush as Kyouka followed with bags under her eyes.

Kyouka: Do you have to make your beats so loudly at night? *She said grabbing her brush*

Y/n: Oh come on it wasn't that loud.

She just turned her head and looked at Y/n who was brushing his fang like teeth before looking at her.

Y/n: What? It wasmph. *He said brushing his upper tooth*

Kyouka just shook her head before we see the two siblings walking downstairs both in uniform with Y/n holding their bags.

Y/n: Look all I'm saying is All Might be tough but he ain't got nothing on Spider-Man.

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