chapter 3

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The weather was beautifully gloomy on Nysa's fourth day in Forks

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The weather was beautifully gloomy on Nysa's fourth day in Forks. Cloud coverage was a given in this town, spots of greyed light peaked through the rare gaps in the sky. It was humid, an odd sweat settled at the back of Nysa's neck and no matter how much she wiped it, it would always return. There was no rain, but you could still smell it, the storm clouds threatening to unleash their tears onto the rest of the town.

Nysa sat, leaning her head against the tartan, peeling back cushion of the booth at The Lodge, while picking at their apple crumble and custard. She had tied up her hair into a loose bun in an attempt to stay cooler, tendrils framing her face but she was constantly tucking and re-tucking them behind her ears self concisely.

Her Nani sat in front of her. Nysa couldn't help but stare at the golden jewel that was around her neck. She hadn't seen it on the first day, she probably having tucked in into the front of her suit. It was the most beautiful thing Nysa had never seen. It seemed that the sun itself was encased within the black wires, the power only barely being contained, like Nani was controlling it as it leant against her skin. It called out to her, dared her to caress its luminescence and drink its glow.

"Meri jaan," Nani said, snapping Nysa out of her trance, her head going back up to her face. "There's extra sugar on the counter over there. Get it for me."

"Nani," Nysa scolded, shaking her head at the woman. She hesitated, knowing this was awful for the old woman's health but she knew she would tell someone else to get it for her, even worse, get it herself. She sighed, "The sugar will get you before your age does."

"Let it!" Nani called out after her granddaughter as she left the booth in the corner of the diner. Nysa couldn't help but chuckle, Nani quite literally never failed to make her laugh. Within these four days, she very quickly and earnestly became her favourite person.

Nysa made her way to the serving counter of The Lodge. It was a Friday so it was pretty busy. Lots of families were here, taking out their kids before school started. Nysa recognised a few faces, never any names, but it was enough for her to be expected to send small smiles out as she walked.

She was greeted by an east Asian girl she hadn't met before. She was sat at the counter, seemingly waiting for someone with nothing but a milkshake in front of her. She had silk, black hair and dark eyes.

"Grandmothers, ey?" She said as a greeting, beaming at Nysa.

"I know," Nysa laughed, blushing slightly in embarrassment, not realising how loud Nani and her were.

"I literally removed every single sweet thing from my grandparents house a few months ago, it was the most difficult thing I've ever done," the girl said, shaking her head with a laugh.

"Please tell me you ate it all yourself," Nysa said, trying to make conversation. This was the first teenager she'd even seen in Forks, let alone spoken to. Nysa found she was beginning to get a little lonely, her books could only keep her a certain amount of company. "Excluding the things that were expired, of course."

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