chapter 10

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Nysa had just left Goldie and Alfie in the Forks High School library, deciding to give up on helping Goldie pick what theme she wanted to go with for her Arts Portfolio

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Nysa had just left Goldie and Alfie in the Forks High School library, deciding to give up on helping Goldie pick what theme she wanted to go with for her Arts Portfolio. She simply got tired of staring between the sketchbooks full of flowers dripping with blood and the one full of weird Darwin theory animal combinations.

As she got into the car, the rain started to fall. Classic timing, just as Nysa began to contemplate the last month of her life at Forks. Time was moving fast, it almost felt like Nani had cast a spell over her world, keeping them inside this magical bubble full of shapeshifters and cold ones...because that was literally Nysa's truth.

Nani had never been so happy, her granddaughter was working hard at developing her abilities and yet, still not having fallen behind in her studies. Sooner or later, Nani was going to hand over the responsibilities of being the sorceress of the Quileute Pack. Nysa knew this, of course, but she tried not to think too much about it. Every week, she'd have dinner with members of the Tribal Council, becoming more and more comfortable with Billy Black, Harry Clearwater and Quil Ateara. Nysa hadn't admitted this to many, she missed her parents a lot, but they all had started to become a little like family. The secret really does run deeper than blood and Nysa, just like Nani, was a part of it.

Sam was a different story, Nysa hadn't seen him again at all, perhaps in passing at the High School but that hardly counted. More that Nysa thought about it, the less she resented him for the weird looks he had been giving her. Sam knew who she was before Nysa even had a clue.

What was also quite funny was how Nysa started to become close to Jared and Paul, the beta's of the pack. They were surprisingly hilarious, whenever they'd see Nysa in the corridor, they'd bound her way and chat to her excitedly.

Nysa was beginning to become accustomed to her new life, her new friends, her new town. But, she'd started to notice Nani had started to grow a little...weak. It was exactly how Nysa thought she'd be when she first arrived in Forks. She was moving a little slower, sleeping in a bit more, not going out as much. Nysa was worried. She almost felt like as she got stronger, the more she learnt about her powers, the weaker Nani got and that...that thought scared Nysa. It scared her so much that she didn't dare utter a single thought out loud, too afraid that it'd be true...

Before she knew it, Nysa had pulled into the parking lot of La Push High. The rain had calmed, leaving only a soft drizzle from the greyed clouds above Nysa's head. There was a chill out, one hand gripping the front of her jacket shut and the other gasped onto her bag. The crowd around her narrowed as the rest of the students fled to the safety of the school.

Every single face blended into one, movements as a single organism, a colourless wave spreading across the car park. Nysa saw nothing among the haze of the rain. Nothing except for one.

It was impossible not to look, to stop, to get pushed around as everyone tried to elbow past her. Her face was the colour through the blur, the flush of her cheeks radiating across the nameless.

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