Chapter 17

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Yue was staying at Eiji's house for the weekend. Eiji's parents and sister went on a trip to Japan and Eiji didn't want to go. So he called Yue to stay over with him to keep him company.

"They're done!" Yue smiled. Putting the cap on the fingernail polish. Eiji looked at his nails and smiled at Yue. "Thank you," Eiji said. 

Looking at his nails they were painted black. "When do you think you'll be coming back to school? It's boring now that you're gone." Yue questioned. "Whenever I get my casts off." Yue frowned 

Eiji still had three weeks till he could get his cast off his ankle. And six weeks to his cast off his neck. "Ok.." Yue said, turning around.

"Braid my hair, please." Yue pushed his hair off his shoulder so Eiji could braid it. Yue felt as Eiji touched his hair and started braiding. He liked it when Eiji braided his hair. His touch was calming and comforting to him. It made him feel safe. 

Eiji took his time while braiding Yue's hair; he didn't like hair sticking up or out of place. When he got to the end he took a hair tie off his wrist and tied the end of the braid. 

He puts the braid over Yue's shoulder to look at. "So you and Ash." Yue turned back around to look at Eiji. Eiji smiled. "Me and Ash?" Yue raised a brow. "Yea You and Ash y'all two have been hanging out together a lot." 

"Me and Ash are friends, he keeps me company whenever I'm alone." Eiji smiles and falls back on his bed. "Whatever you say…" Yue grins. 

"I meant it. I need a break from all of that." Eiji huffs. Yue looks down at Eiji and gives him an odd look.


Ash was at a car meet with Shorter. It's been a while since they've been to one. He heard whispers from a few wondering where Eiji was. Some people even walked up to them and asked about him but they didn't answer. 

They each took turns racing other people and even raced each other a couple of times. But as usual, Ash always won.

"Hey, Ash how about you race that guy?" Shorter pointed to a ginger-haired boy who was leaning against his car with an arm wrapped around a girl. "No, I think I'm good, I'm gonna race anymore tonight," Ash said.

"Why don't you go race him? I think you'll win." Ash said against his car. Shorter nodded and ran off to go ask him. 

It wasn't long until Ash heard the revving of engines and the two taking off. Ash wasn't paying attention until he heard the crowd gasping. And people running in the direction of where they took off.

Ash looked up and saw that one of the vehicles was on fire to be exact Shorters vehicle. Ash sprinted to where Shorter was.

A group of people had already managed to get Shorter out of the burning vehicle. He had burns on him bad ones and blood running down his arms.

He looked up and saw a girl on call with the ambulance explaining what happened and the damage. And others trying to get a response from Shorter but nothing. 

Ash just watched not knowing what to do. 

People were clearing out of the area not wanting to get caught. Others stayed wanting to know if he'd be ok. 

Ash knelt down and put his finger on Shorter's pulse to see if he was still breathing. But he didn't feel anything. Tears were threatening to fall but he didn't want to cry with all these people here.

Ash grabbed Shorter's glasses and slipped them into his pocket.


When the ambulance got there Ash was already gone. 

He didn't want to be there to see him get taken away in an ambulance. He texted Nadia about what happened. He didn't want to go up there and face her. 

She called Ash but he didn't answer. He knew if he was to answer he'd break on a call with her. 

Shorter was the only family she had left and now knowing that Shorter was in the hospital fighting for his life. He felt guilt knowing that he was the reason that Shorter was racing. 

'Please be ok…'


A/N: Hope whoever's reading this enjoyed ♥️🥰

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