Chapter 10 - Surprise Cremony

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We walked out of the abandoned department store to investagate. Little did we know, everyone wanted to see us walk out! The three Weebles suddenly peeked out the doors of the store.

"Is this it?" I asked myself. "People would usually be asleep at this time of 10:30 PM!"

It seems multiverse characters and the stars wanted to congratulate me and my Cartoon Heroes.

"What a crowd!" Said Quigley. "Even something like this is minor."

Bumpus wanted to tell me something. "You see, I wanted to invite you and your Cartoon Heroes here because...well...I think you are awesome rescuers! You saved the stars, the country roads, a Christmas concert, even the world!"

"Not to mention, Bumpus loves how much of a hero you are. He's a fan!" Said Tooey.

Tibby suddenly wobbled up to me and tugged my wing. "Remember that somewhat-naughty guy with the industrial fan that wanted to mess with my skirt?" She asked. "He's getting a little punishment."

"YOU'RE UNDER ARREST FOR BEING LIKE THIS ON MAIN!" Cried a strange police officer.

"I'm sorry!" Said the guy from the fan. "I just like windblown short skirts..."

"Sorry doesn't cut it. In you go."

"I've seen that punishment as well." I said. "They catch people who act that way."

Bumpus shook my hand and said. "Thanks for coming, Spyra! Everyone feels really inspired by what you do."

I nodded my head.

"What a party!" Said Ballyhoo, giving me a high-five.

"Cool stuff! And I learned to play some classics." Lazlo added.

The Cartoon Heroes gathered around me. I said, "And do you know what's the best part of this game night?"

Everyone tilted their heads at me.

"We didn't care about winning. We only cared about having fun with one another!"

My friends, and the three Weebles, cheered on what I said for some reason.

"And Bumpus, if you have the time, I can invite you to play one of my absolute favorite games with me."

"What is it?" Bumpus asked.

"Hulaballoo! It's about following electronic directions from pad to pad, and stop moving when you hear the word 'freeze'. The best part is that everyone has a chance to win! It was one of my favorites as a youngling, and still is now. I have so much fond memories of that game."

Everyone felt curious about this so-called "Hulaballoo" game.

"If possible, I'll try it for myself." Said Bumpus.

"Now THAT'S what I wan'na hear! But we have to get home. We'll see you when you feel like!"

Bumpus waved goodbye to me.

Now, let's head home!


BrainSpyro's All-Stars: Hasbro Multiverse Game NightWhere stories live. Discover now