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Yara Anderson's P.O.V

I was in the car with Noemi. today was Friday and we both just got off work and got paid so we was trying to figure out what our Friday was giving . Especially before picking up the kids.

" bitch I wished you smokeddd still ugh I could've gotten us free weed from sin " noemi blurts

I stopped smoking once I got on probation I honestly had no other choice with me being zaidyn legal guardian if I have any more run ins with the law he can be taken from my custody and I could never let that go down .

" yea no girl we can puff some hookah ,shit I'll even hit a vape but weed I don't even remember what being high feels like at this point ." I clarified for her

" I know bestie you bout your business I just wanted us to do hoodrat shit " she laughed

" girl bye you just wanted to be in sin face " I corrected

" fuck his yellow ass !" She yelled

" girl don't let us have drinks today you stopping our day early to fuck that man " I said in a joking tone but we both knew it was true

" look I love my baby fathaaaa we just a little toxic as a  couple " she explained

" girl trust me I know .."

" don't hate yaya he got homeboys if you need an itch scratched I know that kitty got cob webs " she yelled loudly

" ha - fucking -ha very funny , that's okay tho cause when I do get a man who excepts me And my son-brother you never gonna hear from me ! " I teased

" girl bye I'm pulling up and filing a missing persons report " she said waving me off

I loved my sis. Noemi and I met in highschool she was a grade above me but there were some classes we shared like electives and one day we just hit it off.

She was the definition of a true rider, she was a goof ball but play with her and you'd see a different side . But I just feel it's cause she a passionate person.

She came from a 2 family home in Brooklyn her parents were still together and in love . It was such a beautiful and refreshing sight to see and know black love does exist and it don't have to hurt , according to noem her father has never cheated or even raised his voice at her mother many times in her life at least that she recalls.

It's crazy how her life was almost the polar opposite with her and sincere .  My friend loved that boy but at lot came with him and maturity wise noemi  had him beat like most females did , he was so wrapped in his extra curriculars  sometimes he wasn't what  noemi needed as far as support went.

Sin is a flashy New York Nigga so don't get me wrong he made sure his junior was taken care of materialistically, but as far as long nights & early mornings noemi was doing a lot herself. 

" what we doing for dinner we cooking or we going out for dinner and drinks?" Noem inquired

" if we go out don't we have a to take the babies?" I mentioned

" oh damn yea, hmm maybe I'll get sin ass to stay at my house and watch them while We out, or my mom you know she loves these kids she says they keep her young ." We both let out a small chuckle

" well she can speak for herself cause zaidyn got me feeling at least 30 but thats my baby he's well behaved. " I said thinking of him

I heard the sound of FaceTime coming from noemi's phone.

" yoooo " I heard sinceres voice speak through her iPhone 12

Instantly with an eye roll my friend answers

" what are you doing ? "

" shit smoking ." He said flipping the camera showing I assume his homeboy

" you gonna stop kidnapping my man!" She yelled

" ain't nobody holding this Nigga hostage  he pull up on me everyday ." The guy said in a raspy but calm voice

" you know you be wanting to see him too don't downplay my baby daddy , anyways I need you to watch niero tonight while me and yaya get some food " she said finally getting to the point

" damn baby girl you should've asked sooner I have something to do in the Bronx at 6 and I'm not even gonna tell you Yeaa I'll Be this way at a certain time."

" iight" was all she said before hanging up before he could reply

"See what I mean like bro everytime it's always something.. I'm tired of him bro, he gonna be so sick when I'm dead good off him." She vented

Don't worry we can have a sleep over at your crib or mine and we can make drinks and bake cookies or something with the boys ." I suggested

" fine next weekend tho we going out and shaking ass I don't care  my momma is watching these kids we work alllll week no breaks we deserve it."

" sounds good boo"

And with that we stopped and picked up zaidyn and dinero and stopped  at a few stores got stuff to make a quick dinner which we settled on tacos so we can have tequila with it of course!

We cooked , bathed the boys and turned a movie on for them in zaidyns room.  cause they ended up just staying over my place .

Once they was settled we made our drinks and was vibing to music .

" girl I think imma find zaidyn a baby sitter or something cause my grandmother is really starting to get on my nerves bro." I spat out cause it was still on my brain from earlier

" why what happened?" She asked concerned

" when I dropped him off earlier she started popping shit basically saying  I need to start paying her and we not her responsibility "

" oh hell no see yea if you need him watched either call me or my mom cause that's wild .. " she said shaking her head in disbelief

" that's what I said like i know for a fact if I wasn't already 20 when the shit happened I would've been in foster home split from zaidyn cause she's miserable and fucked up son." I said

" girl we family so imma need you to act like it , I know you been through a lot and you a private person and a prideful person but I literally work at a pre-school we can get him into some type of program or we move our schedules around each other's simple ." She explained

That gave me comfort knowing there is someone in the world who actually cares for me and wants me to grow but some times I don't know how to take the help.

" I know noemi I appreciate you but I'm really gonna start cause I don't have time after I get off probation I wanna do shit, I want zay to experience things I just want more ."

" and we gonna get it best I promise you that only up from here !" She said holding her drink up for us to toast

I hit her glass and with that we chatted some more checked on the kids and called it a night ourselves.


-Another filler chapter ! I may upload another one while at work just to get them out !

- my girl Yara and noemi in the mm

-I wanted to give a lil more background on my baby girl noemi and sins fine ass 😭

-A little more subtle cross pathing for yaya and Knox 👀 I'm tryna get them to have a subconscious acknowledgment for one another before they actually meet if that makes sense.


-I promise y'all I'm gonna take y'all on a ride with these characters! and the more feed back I get the more imma wanna update and think of ideas! 💡

*not edited*

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