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The ball was going smoothly, no incidents or any scandals happening. The Count's family is having conversations here and there with other nobles, a giant smile plaster on their face as they show off their two children.
Valerie—the Count's daughter—was all smiley as she greeted other young noble men, while her older brother—Ezekiel—is standing in front of you, acting all gentleman like how Count Rockwell had described him to you earlier.
"It was lovely seeing you here Lady Verlice." he utter for the nth time this evening, you wouldn't say he was nosy but he actually is. Just like any young noble men who only show off their looks and wealth into the public and would think they could get any woman wrap in their fingers.
But his impression of you was all wrong.
"It was my pleasure to meet you this lovely evening Lord Rockwell." you stated, with a sweet smile plaster on your face.
The three Moriarty brothers was still around you, they were conversing with some women who came onto them, opting a conversation that may lead to something this evening.
However, the youngest Moriarty was far away from any of the noble women as if allergic to them. The two Moriarty brother was entertaining a handful of women latching on them.
"The Moriarty sure have women all over them, huh." you hear Ezekiel chuckle as he swirl a glass of wine in his hands, taking a sip and glancing at your direction. "I wouldn't blame them, they have the looks and the wealth that any woman would want." putting down the glass of champagne you had earlier on the tray of a butler.
"Any woman you mean, are you one of them by any chance Lady Verlice?"
"Me?" you chuckle, covering your mouth with your hand. "I already have the money to survive on my own," all you said before excusing yourself on going to the restroom.
Irk marks form on your face as soon as you left the crowd, you can still their chattering and laughter being muffled by the walls.
"How could he compare me with those leeches." technically he didn't compare you to any of them, but it felt like he is belittling you by assuming your types of men. "If he only knows that I.."
Taking a deep breath before you could even continue your sentence, already feeling a presence behind you. You didn't know if he had heard what you said and it made you over think.
What if he knows?
But before you could even turn around to see who it was, a loud bang noise caught your attention. It was only one shot and it followed by a loud scream from the rooms near your location.
Grabbing the both side of your dress, you ran towards where the sound came from. The door was slightly open and you push the door open fully.
And what greets you was a sight. A blood gushing out of the bullet wound on the temple of a male. A visible red kiss mark on the side of his lips. His hand was holding the revolver that was used to kill him.