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"Do you know where [name] will be going?"
Albert stare at his younger brother, a brow quirk up at his sudden question. The older brother brought down the utensils he was using, and face his brother.
William just entered the dining room, and that was the first thing he ask them, Albert specifically. He watch as Albert closed his eyes, putting a hand on his chin and think.
"Hmm.. I don't know." He hums, still thinking. "The lady didn't told me anything about where she'll be going after all, she was left with you." Emerald eyes staring at ruby ones, Albert look up at his brother.
"Didn't she told you anything?" Albert hums in query, crossing his arms on his chest. "Though.. I actually heard her mumble that she'll be attending a dinner." He tilt his head to the side, trying to remember what's the name of the person she'll be having dinner with.
William waited for his brother to spoke up once again, he can feel the questioning gazes he got from his friends but he brush them off and just stand firmly next to his brother.
"Ah!" Snapping his finger, Albert look up once again at William, a smile forming on his lips. "I remember now." The man nodded his head, feeling proud that he remembered it.
"It's Earl Jackson Grey."
. . .
"Earl Jackson Grey." William mumble, unsheathing his blade from his cane. The Earl was bewildered already when he introduces himself as the infamous Lords of Crimes, what now that he had pull out a sword.
William's eyes travel to you, he had notice that you already untie that restrict your hands, and his eyes slowly moving down to your body. A dissatisfied smirk found on his face, seeing that you're only in your undergarments.
He watch as the Earl back away from your laying figure, he was only wearing his pants as his shirt was long ago discarded on the floor.
"Moriarty.." the man look at you once you called him by his last name. He watch as you wipe away your tears and your breathe hitch when you saw how William twirl his sword around and pointing it at the Earl.
"How disgusting." His ruby red eyes glare at the man that is a few feet away from you. You already got yourself together, and had covered yourself with the coat that William threw at you just now.
"Oh, so you're the infamous Lord of Crimes huh." Jackson nod his head, observing William and inspecting the infamous criminal's body. "So the two dangerous criminal of Britain is teaming with each other. Nice." For a fraction, William's eyes widen but was replaced by amusement after.